Charge Module

This video, recorded using an earlier version of DataBlast Pro and BlastPad, provides an introduction to the Charge module.

In the Charge module, you design hole-by-hole charging based on the as-built drill pattern, standard designs, measured hole conditions (such as water or wet walls) and any applied geological domains.

Similar holes are grouped into a charge pattern.

The Charge Standards defined in Site Maintenance are the basis of charge rules, which simplify the calculation of charging across holes in a charge pattern. The charge rule is a copy of the charge standard, specific to the charge pattern. This means that you can modify the charge rule if required for the charge pattern, and those changes do not affect the charge standard. Likewise, if you modify the charge standard later, the charge rule that was already applied to the charge pattern is not affected. You can also modify the charging for individual holes in the pattern if required.

You might use G-Blast Charge Standards for charge designs that intersect with defined geological strata, also known as 'through-seam' blasting. If you use a G-Blast charge standard, you cannot modify the charge rule. Neither can you modify the charging of an individual hole.

When the charge design is complete, you can print charge sheets to direct how the holes are to be loaded in the field. You can also enter explosive delivery dockets.