Add a Rock Type

Activity Steps

  1. On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Fragmentation Modelling.

    The Fragmentation Modelling screen displays.

  2. Right-click a node in the DataBlast Items Tree of the Fragmentation Modelling screen and select Add Rock Type from the menu.

    The Rock Type screen displays.

  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select a Base Rock Type from Other, Shale, Sandstone, Limestone, Quartzite, Marble, Schist, Gneiss, Granite and Basalt.
  5. To start with predefined values for the selected base rock type, click Set Values.
  6. Update the following fields with values and variances specific to the rock type at your mine site.
    • Mass Density
    • Compressive Strength—The maximum stress that a material can withstand while being compressed before it deforms.
    • Tensile Strength—The maximum stress that a material can withstand while being stretched before it breaks.
    • Young's Modulus—How easily a material can stretch and deform. Defined as the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain.
    • Poisson's Ratio—The ratio of transversal elongation to axial compression.
    • P-Wave Velocity—The speed at which a pressure wave passes through the material.
  7. Enter the Rock Mass Descriptor, or calculate the value:
    1. Click Rock Mass Descriptor Calculator.

      The Rock Type Mass Descriptor Calculation screen displays.

    2. Select the Rock Mass Descriptor (RMD) from Powdery/Friable, Vertical Joints and Massive.
    3. If the Rock Mass Descriptor (RMD) is Vertical Joints:
      1. Select the Joint Plane Spacing (JPS) from Sj < 0.1m, Sj < Xo and Sj > Xo.
      2. Select the Joint Plane Angle (JPA) from Joints dip out of face, Strike perpendicular to face and Joints dip into face.
    4. Enter the Rock Mass Value.
    5. Click OK.
  8. Click OK.

    The rock type is saved automatically.