Maintain Electronic Detonators

Note: Refer to the manufacturer's product specifications when adding or editing an electronic detonator.

Access electronic detonator maintenance:

  1. On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Product Maintenance.

    The Product Maintenance screen displays.

  2. Select the Detonators - Electronic node.

    The Product Maintenance Ribbon Menu displays.

To add an electronic detonator:

  1. On the Product Maintenance ribbon menu, click Add Electronic Detonators.

    The <Product> screen displays.

  2. In the Product Details field group:
    1. Select the Supplier from the defined suppliers. See Maintain Suppliers.
    2. Enter the Product Range Name. This is the supplier's name for the product. Maximum length: 16 characters.
    3. Enter the Unit NEQ—The net explosive quantity, which must be between 0 and 5 grams.
    4. Enter the Sleep Time.
    5. Select whether the product Has Lengths.
    6. Enter the Supplier Range Short Name and Supplier Type Short Name if required for BLASTPLAN export. Maximum length: 5 characters.
    7. Select the Electronic Detonator System from the defined systems. See Maintain Electronic Detonator Systems.
    8. Enter the Display Name. This is the name you use for the product at your mine site.
    9. Select the Hazard Class from 1.1B, 1.1D, 1.4S, 1.5D, 3 and 5.1.

    Note: The Product Range Name, Unit NEQ, Sleep Time, Electronic Detonator System and Display Name are required.

  3. In the Appearance field group, for the white and dark backgrounds, update the following fields as required.
    • Product Colour
    • Text Colour
  4. If Has Lengths is checked, in the Lengths table:
    1. To add a length:
      1. Click Add Length.
      2. Enter the Length.
      3. Enter the Site Name. This is the name you use for the product at your mine site and must be unique. Default: The combination of the Product Range Name and Length (which is the Product Name).
      4. Click Save.
    2. To edit a length, select the length and click Edit; or double-click the length.
    3. To deactivate a length, uncheck Active.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Save Changes.

To edit an electronic detonator:

  1. Select the electronic detonator.
  2. On the Product Maintenance ribbon menu, click Edit Product; or double-click the product.
  3. Edit the product as required.
  4. Click Save Changes.

To deactivate an electronic detonator:

  1. Uncheck Active for the electronic detonator.

    The product displays with strike-through text.

  2. Click Save Changes.