
DataBlast Pro includes the following modules and utilities to support the Standard Drill and Blast Process for open-pit mining.

Design Module

Create and import drill patterns. Use the Drill Pattern Designer to create drill patterns based on imported surfaces and design limits. Use computer assisted drawing (CAD) controls to manipulate pit shells, surfaces and design limits.

Diagram of a drill hole as designed

Drill Module

Define as-built holes and compare them with the as-designed holes. Analyse drill performance with data from drill monitoring systems, surveys and manually completed drill logs. Produce standard text reports of setup and depth variations. Identify variances and investigate causes with interactive 3D reports.

Diagram of a drill hole as drilled

Measure Module

Capture dip and backfill data. Manually or electronically capture dip data, including depth, water and wet walls. Compare dip data with the design and use it as an input for the charge design. Provide backfill requirements to field crews and report on the performance of the backfill operation.

Diagram of a drill hole as measured

Charge Module

Deliver hole-by-hole charge based on the as-built drill pattern, standard designs, measured hole conditions (such as water or wet walls) and any applied geological domains. Use G-Blast for charge designs that intersect with defined geological strata.

Diagram of a drill hole as charged

Initiation Module

Incorporate products from all main suppliers of both electronic and non-electric systems to deign and simulate the initiation. Model vibration using modified scale distances.

Diagram of initiation timing

Firing Module

Use firing patterns to view safety data, such as the scaled depth of burial and flyrock ranges.

Screenshot of firing pattern displaying scaled depths of burial, flyrock ranges and flyrock circle ranges

Fragmentation Utility

Use the Swebrec model to analyse fragmentation of rock types based on a selected charge standard.

Inventory Utility

Report on stock from delivery to final use. Track current and future stock requirements based on schedule. Track raw material for on-site bulk explosives manufacture.

Video Overview

These webinars, recorded using an earlier version of DataBlast Pro, provide an overview of DataBlast functionality.