Assign Surfaces to a Drill Pattern

This activity is an alternative to Define Fixed Targets. For context, see Design a Drill Pattern.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. Right-click a drill pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree and select Edit Selected Drill Pattern in Designer from the menu.

    The drill pattern displays in design mode and the Drill Pattern Designer Ribbon Menu displays.

  3. Select the surfaces or other objects in the DataBlast Items Tree as required.

    The selected objects display in the Viewport.

  4. Assign the collar surface:
    1. On the Drill Pattern Designer ribbon menu, in the Surfaces group, click Collar Surface.
    2. Select the surface for the collars of holes in the Viewport; typically the topography.
  5. Assign the pattern anchor surface:
    1. On the Drill Pattern Designer ribbon menu, in the Surfaces group, click Pattern Anchor Surface.
    2. Select the surface used to calculate and pivot holes; typically a flat surface at a specified RL.
  6. Assign the excavation surface:
    1. On the Drill Pattern Designer ribbon menu, in the Surfaces group, click Excavation Surface.
    2. Select the surface that is the target for excavation after blasting.
  7. Assign the charge toe surface if required:
    1. On the Drill Pattern Designer ribbon menu, in the Surfaces group, click Charge Toe Surface.
    2. Select the surface that defines the depth of the holes for charge loading.
  8. Assign the drill toe surface:
    1. On the Drill Pattern Designer ribbon menu, in the Surfaces group, click Drill Toe Surface.
    2. Select the surface that defines the toes of the holes for drilling.
  9. To check each surface assignment:
    1. Deselect all objects except the drill pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree.
    2. Use the options on the Layers Toolbar (Drill Pattern Designer) to toggle the display of each of the assigned surfaces.
  10. To review the settings, on the Drill Pattern Designer ribbon menu, in the Projection Summary group, click Projection Style Summary.

    The Projection Summary displays the selected settings for the targets and a summary of the assigned surfaces.

    Note: When you assign a surface, DataBlast Pro adds a copy of the surface in the applicable layer in the drill pattern. Having more than one assigned surface for a surface type may lead to unexpected hole designs. To remove assigned surfaces:

    1. On the Layers Toolbar, click Layers Edit.

      The Layer Control screen displays.

    2. Check Visible only for the layer with surfaces to be removed.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Ignore the warning that the active layer is hidden.
    5. For each copy of the surface in the layer:
      1. Select the surface in the Viewport.
      2. Press Delete.
  11. Click Save Changes.