Create Single Holes

Use this activity to add one or more single holes to a drill pattern that has assigned surfaces. For context, see Design a Drill Pattern.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. Right-click a drill pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree and select Edit Selected Drill Pattern in Designer from the menu.

    The drill pattern displays in design mode.

  3. On the View Toolbar, click View - Top.
  4. On the Holes Ribbon Menu, in the Hole Patterns group, click Single Hole Design Position.

    The Hole Details screen displays.

  5. Select a Mine Block from the defined mine blocks.
  6. Select the drill Diameter from the allowed diameters. See Configure Mine Site Settings.
  7. Select the Icon for how the holes display in the Viewport.
  8. Enter the Minimum Valid Length for holes. Holes are not created if the collar and toe positions are less than this length apart.
  9. Update the Hole Bearing if required.
  10. Update the Angle if required.
  11. Select the Angle Increment from:
    • Free—Do not limit hole angle fractions.
    • 0.1°
    • 0.5°

    Note: The drill machine (for example a rotary style drill) may limit the angles at which holes can be drilled. This setting also affects later edits to the hole bearings.

  12. Enter toe offsets if required:
    • Drill Toe Offset—A negative number creates holes that are drilled below the excavation surface. A positive number creates a holes with a standoff above the excavation surface.
    • Charge Toe Offset—Enter a value if you do not want to load explosives at the bottom of the hole.
  13. Define the hole numbering scheme:
    1. Select the Hole Labelling from:
      • No Label
      • Alphanumeric (default)—Update the letter to Start Labelling Rows With if required.
      • Numeric—Update the numeral to Start Numbering At if required.
    2. Enter the Minimum Digits.
    3. Enter a Prefix if required.

    Note: You can Customise Hole Numbering after creating the holes.

  14. Click OK.
  15. In the Viewport, click the easting/northing location of the hole.

    Note: If you are only creating one hole, you can enter the X/Y coordinates in the Command Line and press Enter.

  16. Repeat step 15 for subsequent holes if needed.
  17. Right-click or press Enter to finish hole entry.
  18. Click Save Changes.