Create Single Holes
Use this activity to add one or more single holes to a drill pattern that has assigned surfaces. For context, see Design a Drill Pattern.
Activity Steps
- Select the Design module.
- Right-click a drill pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree and select Edit Selected Drill Pattern in Designer from the menu.
The drill pattern displays in design mode.
- On the View Toolbar, click View - Top.
- On the Holes Ribbon Menu, in the Hole Patterns group, click Single Hole Design Position.
The Hole Details screen displays.
- Select a Mine Block from the defined mine blocks.
- Select the drill Diameter from the allowed diameters. See Configure Mine Site Settings.
- Select the Icon for how the holes display in the Viewport.
- Enter the Minimum Valid Length for holes. Holes are not created if the collar and toe positions are less than this length apart.
- Update the Hole Bearing if required.
- Update the Angle if required.
- Select the Angle Increment from:
- Free—Do not limit hole angle fractions.
- 0.1°
- 0.5°
- 1°
- 5°
Note: The drill machine (for example a rotary style drill) may limit the angles at which holes can be drilled. This setting also affects later edits to the hole bearings.
- Enter toe offsets if required:
- Drill Toe Offset—A negative number creates holes that are drilled below the excavation surface. A positive number creates a holes with a standoff above the excavation surface.
- Charge Toe Offset—Enter a value if you do not want to load explosives at the bottom of the hole.
- Define the hole numbering scheme:
- Select the Hole Labelling from:
- No Label
- Alphanumeric (default)—Update the letter to Start Labelling Rows With if required.
- Numeric—Update the numeral to Start Numbering At if required.
- Enter the Minimum Digits.
- Enter a Prefix if required.
Note: You can Customise Hole Numbering after creating the holes.
- Select the Hole Labelling from:
- Click OK.
- In the Viewport, click the easting/northing location of the hole.
Note: If you are only creating one hole, you can enter the X/Y coordinates in the Command Line and press Enter.
- Repeat step 15 for subsequent holes if needed.
- Right-click or press Enter to finish hole entry.
- Click Save Changes.