Maintain X/Y Zones in an Electronic Initiation Pattern

For context and examples, see Initiation Patterns.

Access zone maintenance for an electronic initiation pattern:

  1. Select the Initiation module.
  2. Select an electronic initiation pattern in the DataBlast Items Tree.

    The pattern displays in the Viewport.

  3. On the Initiation Pattern Ribbon Menu, in the Electronic Commands group, click Define X/Y Zones.

    Details of the default Zone 0 display in the right-hand panel. All holes are assigned to Zone 0 by default.

To add a zone:

  1. On the X/Y Zones Ribbon Menu, click Add X/Y Zone.
  2. Select the zone in the right-hand panel.
  3. Select the required holes. See Select Objects in the Viewport.
  4. On the X/Y Zones ribbon menu, click Add Holes.

    DataBlast Pro updates the Hole Count for each zone.

  5. Click Save Changes.

    Note: You cannot save an X/Y zone without holes.

To update zone settings:

  1. For each zone:
    1. Select whether the zone is Visible.
    2. Update the Zone Name if required.
  2. For each zone, update the following display settings as required:
    • Border Colour (Black Background)
    • Border Colour (White Background)
    • Text Height
    • Text Rotation
  3. Click Save Changes.

To delete a zone:

  1. Select the zone in the right-hand panel.
  2. On the X/Y Zones ribbon menu, click Delete Current.
  3. Click Save Changes.