Local Settings

The Local Settings screen has many settings to customise how DataBlast Pro displays holes and patterns by default in the Viewport. These local settings also include some caching and timout settings.

These settings are specific to each DataBlast Pro user.

General Tab

Tree View, Property Grid and Main Tab Settings

  • Tree View Item Checked Colour—The colour of items in the DataBlast Items Tree when they are checked on or loaded.
  • Tree View Item Active Object Colour—The colour of items in the DataBlast Items Tree when they are checked on and are the active item.
  • Tree View Item Select Object Colour—The colour of items in the DataBlast Items Tree when they are selected.
  • Tree View Item Hidden/Deleted Text Colour—The colour of text for deleted or hidden items in the DataBlast Items Tree.
  • Property Grid Maximum Objects Per Node—The maximum number of objects that are summarised in the Properties Pane. For example if set to 500, when more than 500 holes or other CAD items are selected on the screen, the Properties Pane does not provide summary data. This setting is used to limit the potential for long delays when retrieving large quantities of data from the database all at one time.
  • Show Hidden/Deleted Items in Tree View—Whether to show or hide deleted items in the DataBlast Items Tree.
  • Main Menu Tab Position—The position of the Design, Drill, Measure, Charge and Initiation module selection tabs. Default: Left Top.

Drill Log Fault Records Settings

  • Drill Log Import Fault Records Retrieval Max—May be set to cut off import of poor-quality drill logs.

Help Settings

  • Use Online Help—If checked, the Help option in the DataBlast Application Menu and context-sensitive help calls (when you press F1) open a browser tab to display the latest online help. If unchecked, a local version of the HTML5 content available at the time of release displays.
  • Online Help Base URL—The prefix for context-sensitive help calls for the online help. For example, you may choose to use help for a specific version of DataBlast Pro. Default: https://docs.dataminesoftware.com/DataBlast/Pro/Latest/

Hole and Pattern Tab

Standard Hole and Primer Display Factors

  • Hole Diameter Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the collar icon displayed on the Viewport.
  • Hole Diameter Scale Factor - Depth Reports—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the depth variation cylinder displayed in the 2D/3D depth reports in the Drill and Measure modules.
  • Hole Text Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the text (for example, the hole ID) displayed on the Viewport next to each hole.
  • Use Fixed Hole Text Size—Whether to display hole text based on a fixed Text Size rather than a multiple of the hole diameter.
  • Hole Collar Flag Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the collar flag if it is shown.
  • Hole Primer Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the primer display on the charge holes in the Charge module.
  • Hole Strata Intersect Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the strata intersection display in the Charge module.

Pattern Boundary Offset Factors and Label Size

Set each of these offsets to slightly different numbers so that the pattern boundaries are offset from each other when displayed in the Viewport.

Hole Collar Item Scale Factors

  • Wet/Dewatered Collar Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the wet/dewatered hole collar display.
  • Reactive Collar Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the reactive hole collar display.

Charge and Initiation Tab

Charge Standard Apply

  • Charge Standard Apply Timeout—The timeout value for an unresponsive charge standard.

Initiation Factors and Settings

  • Initiation Point Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of the initiation point tag displayed in the Initiation module.
  • Truck Lines Line Width—The size of the line representing non-electric surface detonator links. Maximum: 17.
  • Trunk Line Arrow Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the size of directional arrows displayed on non-electric surface detonator links.
  • Electronic Relief Segment Scale Factor—The size of the relief segment tag displayed in an electronic timing design.
  • Default Wire-Up Search Distance—The default search distance width for automatically linking segments, such as in the Add Trunk Link Auto tool in non-electric timing designs.
  • Hole Detonation Period—When reviewing the Firing Simulation analysis and using the Hole Track Expanded playback style, the charge column detonation for each deck is simulated in the playback. The Hole Detonation Period sets the default duration of the charge column detonation before going grey.
  • Deck and Explosives per Delay Window—The default value used to determine the timing window for initiation analysis such as Maximum Instantaneous Charge and Decks Per Delay.
  • Initiation Contour Interval—The default value used to determine the contour spacing for Initiation Contour analysis.
  • Contour Lines Line Width—The default display width for the contour lines in the Initiation Contour analysis.
  • Allow Auto Tie Direction Change—Whether to force 'single path' non-electric ties to be in the correct direction from the initiation point.
  • Allow Calculation of Partial Blast—Whether to allow analysis of incomplete non-electric blast designs.
  • Delay and Vibration Timing Window—The value used to determine the timing window for Initiation Vibration analysis.
  • Initiation Vibration Weighted Scaling Factor C

Firing Simulation Scale Factors

  • Surface Fired Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the default size of the non-electric surface detonator firing display. Maximum: 100.
  • Hole Fired Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the default size of the firing display when hole tracks are off. Maximum: 100.
  • Primer Fired Scale Factor—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the default size of the primer firing display when hole tracks are on. Maximum: 100.
  • Deck Fired Line Width—A multiple of the hole diameter to determine the default fired display when running the Hole Track Expanded simulation. Maximum: 17.

CAD View Tab

CAD Settings

  • Mouse Wheel Zoom Direction—The direction of zoom with the mouse wheel. Select from In and Out.
  • Default Font Text Height—The default text height.
  • Document SHX Font—The font to use in screen labels Select from bigfont for bold and txt1 for fine.
  • Hole Accuracy Radar Hole Diameter—The search radius for validation of imported drill data.
  • Drawing Background Colour—The background colour of the Viewport.
  • Drawing Background Gradient—Whether to display a background gradient colour in the Viewport. If checked, select a Gradient Colour and Gradient Angle.
  • Print or Print to PDF Closes Printing—Whether to close the print options after printing or printing to PDF.
  • Default to PDF for CAD Printing—Whether to print to PDF instead of to a printer.
  • Use Large Toolbar Icons—If checked, toolbar icons are 24*24 px. If unchecked, toolbar icons are 16*16 px.
  • Dim Inactive Patterns for CAD Printing—If unchecked, inactive patterns have the same brightness as the active pattern when printing Viewport objects.
  • Show Pattern Boundary Border—Whether to display pattern boundary borders by default in the Viewport. The Layers Toolbar (Overview) includes an option to show or hide pattern boundary borders as required.
  • Automatically Hide Text on Zoom—If checked, select a Zoom Factor. Default: 100 for metric or 300 for imperial mine sites.

CAD Drawing and Rotation Tab

Drawing/Rotation Settings

  • Scene Rotation Speed—The speed of the 3D rotation tool in the Viewport.
  • Lock Z Axis Rotation by Default—Whether to lock the Z axis by default when rotating 3D drawings. The View Toolbar includes an option to lock or unlock the Z axis rotation as required.
  • Scene Rotation Props—Select from None and Restrict to Top. If set to Restrict to Top, drawings cannot be rotated below the XY plane; that is, drawings cannot be rotated upside down.
  • Dynamic Rotation Flag—Select from Automatic and Around View Centre.
  • Show CAD View Cube by Default—Whether to display the compass cube by default in the Viewport. The Grid and Snap Toolbar includes an option to show or hide the compass cube as required.
  • Show CAD UCS Axis by Default—Whether to display the user coordinate system indicator by default in the Viewport. The Grid and Snap toolbar includes an option to show or hide the user coordinate system indicator as required.
  • OpenGL Double Buffered
  • Line Drawing Method—Whether to preference Speed or Quality.

Database and Cache Tab

Database Settings

  • Database Transaction Timeout—The timeout value for an unresponsive database.
  • Database Deadlock Retry Count—The number of query retries if there is a database deadlock.
  • Use Snapshots—Deprecated functionality.

Cache Settings

  • Hole Pattern Minimum Cache Time—Length of time that the cache should store a hole pattern for access. Beyond this time, a database call is more likely to be required.
  • Charge Standard Minimum Cache Time
  • Surface Minimum Cache Time
  • Mine Block Minimum Cache Time

Logging Level Settings

  • Logging Level—The level of DataBlast Pro application logging that provides details for troubleshooting.
  • Number of Logs to Keep—The number of logs to keep in the logs directory before the oldest is deleted. Each log represents one day.