Maintain Electronic Detonator Systems
Different data is required to program each electronic detonator system. In DataBlast Pro, you can plan the primers that should be used for blast holes, and export that data for the electronic detonator system that programs the detonators on site.
Note: Refer to the manufacturer's product specifications when adding or editing electronic detonator systems. A new mine site database includes many standard electronic detonator systems by default.
Access electronic detonator system maintenance:
- On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Product Maintenance.
The Product Maintenance screen displays.
- Select the Electronic Detonator Systems node.
The Product Maintenance Ribbon Menu displays.
To add an electronic detonator system:
- Click Add System.
- Enter the Name.
- Select the Timing Export Type from Austin Powder E*Star, Daveytronic, Daveytronic Synchro, Dyno DigiShot Plus 4G (Commander), Dyno DigiShot Plus, Dyno DigiShot, Dyno SmartShot 2 Wire, Dyno SmartShot 4 Wire, Dyno SmartShot and Orica i-kon. DataBlast Pro supports integration with these systems.
- Click Save Changes.
To add equipment for an electronic detonator system:
- Select the electronic detonator system.
- Click Add Equipment.
- Complete the following fields as required:
- Name
- Active
- Path Prefix—The prefix for the starting tag of each path when creating a wire-up sequence in the Initiation Module.
- Use Path Letter—Whether the incremental part of the starting tag of each path is a letter. If unchecked, the increment is a number.
- Detonator Number Format
- Number Dets Independently—Whether to number the detonators independently.
- Max Dets Per Blast—The maximum number of detonators allowed in the initiation pattern.
- Max Blasting Groups/Boxes—The maximum number of groups of wiring paths.
- Max Wiring Paths—The maximum number of wiring paths allowed per group or box.
- Max Dets Per Hole
- Max Dets Per Wiring Path
- Min Delay—The minimum delay timing value required in the initiation timing design.
- Max Delay
- First Det Number Offset—The first sequence number in a wiring path.
- Launch External Programmer—Whether to use an external programmer to validate the timing design and send data to the detonator programming device. Only applicable to Dyno system types.
- External Programmer Path—Path to the executable file for the external programmer.
Each wiring path has a unique identifier made up of the path prefix and either a number or letter.
- Click Save Changes.