Configure Live Auto Idle Settings

Only live patterns are sent to BlastPad devices. These settings control when patterns are no longer considered to be live.

Activity Steps

  1. On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Site Maintenance.

    The Site Maintenance screen displays.

  2. Select the Service Control node.
  3. Select the Live Auto Idle tab.
  4. Select whether to set Automatic Pattern Idle Active. If unchecked, users must determine which patterns are live.
  5. Complete the following fields as required.
    • Thread Database Timeout—If cleared, resets to Server default.
    • Test Frequency—Default: 30 minutes.
    • Live Pattern Timeout—Length of time after any data change to a drill pattern before the drill pattern can become idle automatically. Default: 10 days.
    • Live Pattern Hole Timeout—Length of time after any data change to a hole before the associated drill pattern can become idle automatically. Default: 10 days.
    • Idle Pattern Hole Timeout—Length of time within which any non-design change to the hole can cause the associated drill pattern to become live automatically. Default: 10 days.
  6. Click Save Changes.