Configure MiPlan Drill Integration

Activity Steps

  1. On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Site Maintenance.

    The Site Maintenance screen displays.

  2. Select the Service Control node.
  3. Select the Drill Machine Import » MiPlan tab.
  4. Click Create MiPlan Control Record.
  5. Leave MiPlan Drill Machine Import Active unchecked while configuring the interface.
  6. Complete the following fields that are specific to MiPlan drill integration as required.
    • Last Drill Date Change Imported—The date of the last drill record that was imported. Used when requesting new records. Read-only.
    • Last Dip Date Change Imported—The date of the last dip record that was imported. Used when requesting new records. Read-only.
    • Last Survey Date Change Imported—The date of the last survey record that was imported. Used when requesting new records. Read-only.
    • MiPlan Database Connection String—Click the ellipsis (...) to open the Select Database Server and Database screen to enter connection details. Click Advanced for further connection details if required.
    • MiPlan Database Timeout Read—The amount of wait time (in seconds) before terminating an attempt to call the SP_Integration_ReadDrillHoles stored procedure from the MiPlan database and generating an error.
    • MiPlan Database Timeout Write—The amount of wait time (in seconds) before terminating an attempt to call the SP_Integration_WriteDrillHoles stored procedure from the MiPlan database and generating an error.
    • MiPlan Read Maximum Records—The maximum number of records requested from the MiPlan database per call.
    • MiPlan Mine Units Type—The coordinate request type. Select from Local Grid and MGA.
  7. Complete the following fields that are common to all drill interfaces as required.
    • Create Fault on 0 or Null Diameter—If checked, when the diameter provided is 0 or if no diameter is provided, a drill fault record instead of a drill machine hole detail record.
    • Reimport Skip Mode—If checked, processing of the current drill record is skipped if the hole already contains an undeleted drill machine record.
    • Time Zone—Select the time zone of the source data.
    • Sleep after Processing—The number of minutes to suspend processing when there are no new records available for processing.
    • Thread Database Timeout—If cleared, resets to Server default.
    • X/Y Deviation Diameter Count—The maximum number of design diameters distance in the X/Y plane from the design collar to the drilled collar that allows a hole to be considered within range. If the distance exceeds the amount represented by this value, the drill record is created as a drill fault, which requires manual confirmation as a valid hole record.
    • Length Percentage Deviation—The percentage difference from the design drill length allowed before a hole is considered to require manual confirmation as a valid hole record.
    • Angle Tolerance—The number of degrees difference from the design angle before a hole is considered to require manual confirmation as a valid hole record.
    • Bearing Tolerance—The number of degrees difference from the design bearing before a hole is considered to require manual confirmation as a valid hole record.
    • Coordinate Conversion to Unit Multiplier—A multiplier applied directly to any X, Y or RL coordinate values before use.
    • Ignore Drill Diameter—If checked, any drill diameter information provided by the source record is ignored.
    • Diameter Tolerance—The maximum percentage difference between the design and drill diameter before a hole is considered to require manual confirmation as a valid hole record.
    • Apply Diameter Tolerance to Valid Diameters
    • Drill Diameter Multiplier—A multiplier applied directly to the drill diameter value provided by the source drill import record.
    • Drill Diameter Rounding—The number of decimal places to round the diameter values before use (applied after the Drill Diameter Multiplier).
  8. To enable the interface, check MiPlan Drill Machine Import Active.
  9. Click Save Changes.