Maintain Custom Property Values for a Mine Site

Note: In an upgrade to DataBlast Pro 2.9, any existing text strings for CAD print borders (that have values) are converted to custom properties with the Target of Mine Site, the Data Type of String and the Category of CAD Print Border Text. The Field Name, Display Name and Description indicate the CAD border and specific layout (P for portrait or L for landscape) if applicable. This specific configuration is to identify the converted text strings. New custom properties do not require this configuration in order to be used in a CAD print border.

Activity Steps (Method 1)

  1. Select the Design, Drill, Measure, Charge or Initiation module.
  2. Right-click the mine site in the DataBlast Items Tree and select Mine Site Custom Properties from the menu.

    The Mine Site Custom Properties screen displays custom properties for which the definition has a Target of Mine Site. Calculated properties are read-only.

  3. To edit a custom property value:
    1. Enter the new Value for the custom property.
    2. Click Save Changes.

Activity Steps (Method 2)

  1. On the DataBlast Application Menu, select Site Maintenance.

    The Site Maintenance screen displays.

  2. Select the Mine Site » Mine Site Settings » Custom Properties node.

    The Mine Site Maintenance Ribbon Menu displays.

    Custom properties for which the definition has a Target of Mine Site display. Calculated properties are read-only.

  3. To edit a custom property value:
    1. Enter the new Value for the custom property.
    2. Click Save Changes.