Site Coordinate Settings

For context, see Configure Mine Site Settings.

Important: Changing site coordinate has impacts site safety. Do not change these settings without the appropriate confirmation and authority. The table on the right displays an audit history of changes.

  1. In the Drill Offset field group:
    1. Update the following offsets if required.
      • Easting
      • Northing
      • RL—Reduced level.

      Note: When collars and toes are imported from Leica drill logs, these offsets are added.

    2. Select whether to Offset to Map File. If checked, the offsets are subtracted from map files sent to Leica drills.
  2. In the BlastPad Datum field group, update the following fields if required.
    • UTM Datum
    • UTM Hemisphere
    • UTM Zone
    • Easting Offset
    • Northing Offset
  3. To add a Wenco GPS reference:
    1. Click Add GPS Reference.
    2. Edit the following fields as required.
      • Label
      • Easting
      • Northing
      • RL
      • Latitude
      • Longitude
      • Ellipsoidal Height