Set up the DataBlast Database

Important: For most customers, this activity is not required because Datamine provides a DataBlast database configured for the site's operations. If this activity is required, it should be performed by the DataBlast System Installer and Database Installer, who must have adequate network, domain and administrator permissions to the installation machines.

This activity presumes that the DataBlast Database Setup application has been installed. See Install the DataBlast Pro Applications on the Server.

Activity Steps

  1. In the Windows Start menu, select All Apps » Datamine » DataBlast Database Setup; or in the DataBlast installation folder, double-click DataBlast Database Setup » DataBlastDatabaseSetup.exe.

    The DataBlast Database Setup application displays.

  2. On the SQL Server Database page:
    1. Enter the Server Name. Default: The name of the locally installed SQL Server instance, if available.
    2. Set the Login Details to Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication.

      Note: These login details are of the administration user who is logging into the SQL Server.

    3. If using SQL Server Authentication:
      1. Enter the User Name and Password.
      2. Select whether to Save Password.
    4. Update the Database Name if required. Default: DataBlast.
    5. Click Next.
  3. On the Mine Site Creation Setup page:
    1. Select whether to Copy from Existing Mine Site.
    2. If Copy from Existing Mine Site file is checked:
      1. Select the mine site in Existing Mine Site. The list displays previously opened mine sites.
      2. Select whether to copy the following items.
        • CAD Templates
        • Charge Standards
        • Drill Pattern Types
        • Drill Machines, MPUs and Stemming Trucks
        • Users and Settings
        • Report Templates
        • Charge Standard Blast Types—Read-only if Charge Standards is checked.
        • Measurement Entry Templates—Read-only if Drill Pattern Types is checked.
        • Operators

        Note: Mine site settings, products, users and user settings are always copied.

    3. Click Next.
  4. On the Mine Site Settings page:
    1. Enter the Name for the mine site as it will display in the DataBlast Pro application.
    2. Select the Time Zone.
    3. Select the Default Hole Sort Order from Row then Echelon and Echelon then Row.
    4. Select the Default Report Hole Sort Order from Row then Echelon and Echelon then Row.
    5. Enter the CAD Border Site Name. The default site name for computer assisted drawing (CAD) print borders that display around any 3D objects or report that you print. Default: The mine site Name.
    6. Enter the CAD Border Company Name. The default company name for CAD print borders. Default: The mine site Name.
    7. Select the Measurement Type from Metric (default) and Imperial. Read-only if you are copying an existing mine site.

      Note: The selected measurement type impacts the entire user interface of DataBlast. For example, whether hole depths are in metres or feet, the pre-configured drill diameters, the units of measure for products, and the definition of charge standards.

      Important: For DataBlast Pro 2.8, the Fragmentation utility is only compatible with the metric measurement type.

    8. Click Next.
  5. On the Hole Numbering Scheme page:
    1. Select the Row Numbering Type from:
      • Alphabetic—All holes in a row share the same letter in their hole names.
      • Numeric—All holes in a row share the same number in their hole names.
      • None—Can be combined with an Echelon Numbering Type of Continuous Alphabetic or Continuous Numeric if the hole are only to be known by letters or numbers.

      Note: You cannot select the same numbering type for the rows and echelons.

    2. Select the Echelon Numbering Type from
      • Alphabetic
      • Numeric
      • Continuous Alphabetic—Each hole in the pattern has a unique letter in its name.
      • Continuous Numeric—Each hole in the pattern has a unique number in its name.
      • None
    3. Select whether to Place Echelon before Row. If checked, hole numbers have the echelon name before the row name.
    4. Enter the Redrill Affix. Default: _R.
    5. Select whether to Apply Redrill Affix as Prefix. If checked, the Redrill Affix is added before the hole name. If unchecked, the Redrill Affix is added after the hole name.
    6. Click Next.
  6. On the Hole Diameter Settings page:
    1. Select the Allowed Diameters.

      Note: Although the selected Measurement Type limits the list of allowed diameters to either metric or imperial sizes, you can add custom diameters via Site Maintenance » Resources » Diameters in the DataBlast Client.

    2. Click Next.
  7. On the Default Hole Settings page:
    1. Select the Zero Angle Style. For example, if you select the third radio button clockwise, hole angles are measured from the horizontal plane; that is, a vertical hole is 90°.
    2. Complete the following fields.
      • Angle—The default hole angle in degrees in the Z plane. Must be between -180° and 180°.
      • Depth
      • Icon Type—Icon for holes displayed in the Viewport.
      • Bearing Angle—The default hole angle in degrees in the X/Y plane. Must be between -360° and 360°.
      • Diameter—Select from the allowed diameters selected on the previous page.
    3. Click Next.
  8. On the Save Mine Site page, click Save and Finish.

    DataBlast Pro creates the mine site database. This steps may take some time before "Mine Site Creation Complete" displays.

  9. Click Close.