Generate Vertical Sections

Discover Sections are displayed in 2D ArcGIS Pro map windows. This allows you to use the extensive editing and symbology that is in ArcGIS Pro's 2D mapping capability.

However, ArcGIS Pro's 2D maps only recognise X and Y and have no concept of a Z-value. To overcome this, Discover adds meta-data to each layer associated with a section so the section can bemodelled in 3D. Any layer digitised on a section should be a section layer and should be added via the section template or the Add Section Layer tool. Otherwise it will not transfer to the 3D environment. Discover only supports vertical sections.

When a section is created, by default Discover creates a map in the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) WGS84 Web Mercator. The section's scale is the same unit of the map window. The left hand side of the map window displays coordinate values as follows:

  • X-value = 0
  • Elevation (RL) value = 0
  • Y-value = 0

Activity Steps

  1. On the Section ribbon tab, in the Create group, expand Generate Sections and click Draw Section Line.

    The Generate Sections panel displays the Define tab.

  2. Configure Define Section as required.
    1. Select whether to Create a section line.

      If selected, draw a section line in the 2D Map window.

      • You can select one of the drawing options below to create a line:
        • Line—Creates a straight section (double click to close line)
        • Polyline—Creates a polyline section (double click to close line)

          Note: Polyline sections due to their complexity cannot be transferred to the 3D environment or have section grid Easting and Westing values put on them.

    2. Select whether to Select a pre-drawn line.

      If selected, click Populate from Selected Line.

    3. Select whether to create an Envelope Section or a Long Section.
  3. Configure the Section Envelope as required.
    1. Enter the Envelope Width (m)— The width on either side of section that drillholes traces is displayed in.
    2. Enter the Section start m (Easting)— The easting of the section start point.
    3. Enter the Section start m (Northing)— The Northing of the section start point.
    4. Enter the Section orientation (deg)—The orientation of the section, which is the bearing of section line from first point drawn to last.
    5. Enter the Sections length (m)—The length of section.
    6. Enter the View Direction— A choice of two view directions perpendicular to the section orientation.
  4. Select Drillholes to be displayed on the vertical section.
  5. Select whether the section should contain Complete Hole Traces (the entire hole trace on any hole that is within the section envelope) or Hole Traces in Envelope (only the drill trace that goes in and out of a section envelope).
  6. If required, enter the Vertical Exaggeration. Default: 1
  7. Enter the Section name.
  8. Select whether to Add Section Template Layers (adds the section template layers to the section default on).
  9. Optional: Select the Multiple you can set up multiple section lines, often multiple sections in a grid need to be produced.
    1. Enter the Number of Sections—The number of sections to be produced.
    2. Enter the Offset Distance—The distance between sections.
    3. Select to Offset towards—The direction sections is drawn perpendicular to the initial drawn line.
    4. Enter the Section Name suffix— A variable that can be added to the section name in the define tab to create unique names from Northing, Easting, Letter a-z or Number
    5. Enter the Section name prefix (optional).
  10. Select the Drill Trace tab. This tab is used to add or exclude labels and depth ticks that are visible on each drill trace in the section. Labels and depth ticks can also be edited in this section as well.
  11. Configure the Line Style by clicking on the line icon.

    The Line Style window displays.

    1. Select a line style.
    2. Enter a line Width.
    3. Select a line Colour.
    4. Click OK.
  12. Select whether to display the Collar Label.
  13. Select whether to display the End of Hole EOH Label.
  14. Select whether to display the Top Intersection Label.
  15. Select whether to display the Bottom Intersection Label.
  16. Select whether to Show EOH and Intersection Symbols.
  17. Configure the Ticks if required.
    1. Select whether to Show Depth Ticks.

      If selected, enter a Depth Interval in metres.

    2. Select whether to Show Lables.

      If checked, click the font icon .

      The Text Style window displays.

      • Select the Font and font size.
      • Select the Text color. Default: black
      • Optional: Edit the Background settings if required.
        • None—Default
        • Halo
        • Callout Box
        • Background Color—Default: Transparent
        • Select whether to add a Shadow.
      • Optional: Add Effects if required.
        • Bold
        • Strikethrough
        • Italic
        • Underline

        Note: A sample of the text style settings is provided.

      • Select whether to Show every nth sample.
      • Enter the Label Offset. Default—1.0
      • Select whether to Show distance in front/behind of section.
  18. Optional: Select the Surfaces tab is where the surfaces imported can be styled and scaled (if non topographic surfaces). The surface drape file can also be used to colour the surface drape that’s clipped with a selected legend if there is a topography layer.
  19. Select whether to Show Topography.
  20. Configure the Line Style by clicking on the line icon.

    The Line Style window displays.

    1. Select a line style.
    2. Enter a line Width.
    3. Select a line Colour.
    4. Click OK.
  21. Select whether to Show Surface Drape.
  22. Select a Symbology from a list.
  23. Select whether to Show Topography on section where no surface.
  24. Select the Subterranean surfaces to be displayed on the section.