Create a Discrete Unit Location
Ideally, a discrete unit location should only exist as a property of a business area, or any despatch location (truck location, rail siding, barge terminal or port location).
Objects that can exist within a discrete unit location: discrete unit location (discrete unit locations can be nested beneath other discrete unit locations), discrete unit division.
Security Note: You need the Allow location maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
- Expand the Supply Chain » Business Areas node.
- Perform one of the following steps:
- To set up a top-level discrete unit location, right-click the business area and select New » Discrete Unit Location from the menu.
- To set up a discrete unit location within a location, right-click the location and select New » Discrete Unit Location from the menu.
The Discrete Unit Location displays.
- Update the discrete unit location Name if required.
- Complete the following fields as required.
- Loading Rate and unit
- Shift Definition—Select from the shift definitions defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Analyte Group—Select from the analyte groups defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer.
- Calendar—Select from the calendars defined in the Calendar Editor.
- Default UOM—Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
- Default Basis—Select from the analyte measurement bases defined in the Basis Editor.
- Description
Note: Blend Templates are not applicable to discrete unit locations.
- Click Save.