Specify the Address of a Location

Security Note: You need the Allow location maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Mine Location, Stock Location, Discrete Unit Location, Waste Location, Rail Siding, Truck Location, Barge Terminal, Port Location or Toll Location.
  2. Select the Address tab.
  3. Complete the following fields as required.
    • Address—The maximum length is 500 characters.
    • City—Select from the cities defined in the Country Editor.

      Note: If there is only one city with that name, MineMarket selects the Province/State and Country. If there is more than one city with that name, MineMarket filters the provinces/states and countries. You can enter text in the City field to scroll to that point in the alphabetically sorted list. You can select the country or the province/state first if you want to limit the cities in the list.

    • Postal Code
  4. Click Save.