Specify the Address of a Location
Security Note: You need the Allow location maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Mine Location, Stock Location, Discrete Unit Location, Waste Location, Rail Siding, Truck Location, Barge Terminal, Port Location or Toll Location.
- Select the Address tab.
- Complete the following fields as required.
- Address—The maximum length is 500 characters.
- City—Select from the cities defined in the Country Editor.
Note: If there is only one city with that name, MineMarket selects the Province/State and Country. If there is more than one city with that name, MineMarket filters the provinces/states and countries. You can enter text in the City field to scroll to that point in the alphabetically sorted list. You can select the country or the province/state first if you want to limit the cities in the list.
- Postal Code
- Click Save.