Assign Packages in a Package Group

This activity searches for and selects packages from within a package group. Alternative activities are to assign packages from the Package Explorer or a discrete unit batch, or to use lotting. See Assign Packages to a Package Group and Assign Packages to Package Group Lots (Lotting).

Security Note: You need the Allow package group maintenance security right in the Supply Chain user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Package Group (DU).
  2. Select the Manual tab.
  3. Enter the following search criteria as required.
    • Start Date—Limit the search by the Package Date of the packages.
    • End Date
    • Package Name—Multiple names can be entered as a comma-separated list. Names can also be copied from a column of an Excel spreadsheet. When the clipboard contents are pasted into the Package Name field, MineMarket converts the data to a comma-separated list. When searching for multiple names, only exact matches are included in the search results. Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
    • Product—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer. Default: The Nominated Product of the package group's despatch order, if specified.
    • Package Type—Select from the package types defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. Default: The Package Type of the package group's despatch order, if specified.
    • Location—Select from the discrete unit locations, discrete unit divisions, and despatch locations defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. Despatch locations are rail sidings, truck despatch locations, barge terminals and port locations.
    • Batch—Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
  4. Click Search.

    The packages that match the criteria display on the Packages tab.

  5. To display the analyte assay values for each package, select an analyte group or Show All Analytes in Show Analyte Group.

    A column for each analyte is added to the table of packages.

  6. Select the packages to assign to the package group:
    1. To include a single package, check Selected next to the package.
    2. To include all packages in the search results, right-click and select Select All from the menu.
    3. To include all highlighted packages, right-click and select Select Highlighted Rows from the menu.

      (Hold down Shift to highlight consecutive packages, or Ctrl to highlight non-consecutive packages. The Row Count displays the number of highlighted packages.)

    4. To include all packages in a batch, right-click a package in the batch and select Select Batch from the menu.
    5. To include a number of packages from the top of the unselected rows, enter a number in Select Next Rows.
  7. Click Save.