Adjust Stockpile Position over Time

Due to various factors such as simultaneous stacking and reclaiming, the stockpile's metre marks may change or be different from those marks when the stockpile was first created. Changes to the stockpile's metre marks can best be viewed in the stockyard's time view and bird's eye view. It is also possible to adjust the stockpile position over time via the time view.

Security Note: You need the Allow stockpile maintenance security right in the Stockpiles domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the FIFO Stockpile, LIFO Stockpile or WAG Stockpile.
  2. Select the Metre Marks tab.
  3. Right-click and select New from the menu.
  4. Complete the following fields.
    • Stock Row
    • Start Metre—Defaults to the stock row Start Metre; however, this may be changed to reflect the fact that multiple stockpiles may exist in the stock row.
    • End Metre—The meterage selected cannot contain any dead zones.
    • Start Date—Date from which the stockpile can be found in the stock row within the defined start and end metre marks. Varying start and end dates for the same stock row effectively changes the position of the stock row over time.
    • End Date—Date up to which the stockpile can be found in the stock row within the defined start and end metre marks.
  5. Click Save.