Calculate a Blend for a Stockpile

This activity is only applicable to weight-average grade (WAG) stockpiles. The Blending module is not designed to work with first-in-first-out (FIFO), last-in-first-out (LIFO) or 3D stockpiles.

Security Note: You need the Allow blend template maintenance security right in the Blending domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Supply Chain panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Business Areas node.
  3. If this blend is the first blend for the stockpile, or to create a blend based on a blend template:
    1. Right-click the stockpile and select Blend from the menu.

      The Blending screen displays with source stockpiles at locations for which there is a process flow to the stockpile's location.

    2. Select a template in Use Template if required. Select from the blend templates assigned to the stockpile's location.

      The Source Stockpiles, Specifications, Target Tonnes and Sensitivity update to match the template.

  4. If a blend has previously been assigned to the stockpile:
    1. Right-click the stockpile and select Interim Blend from the menu.

      The Blending screen displays with Source Stockpiles, Specifications, Target Tonnes and Sensitivity from the previous blend.

    2. Select a blend in Master Blend if required. Select from the blends previously assigned to the stockpile.

      The Source Stockpiles, Specifications, Target Tonnes and Sensitivity update to match the template.

  5. Update the Source Stockpiles, Specifications, Target Tonnes and Sensitivity as required. See Set up a Blend Template.
  6. Update the Target, Minimum, Lower Warning Limit, Upper Warning Limit and Maximum for each analyte in the specifications if required.
  7. To save the blend criteria as a blend template:
    1. Right-click in the Source Stockpiles field group and select Save As Template from the menu.

      The Blend Template Definition displays and the template is stored in the Unassigned Blend Templates category.

    2. Close the Blend Template Definition.
  8. Click Blend.

    The suggested blend displays on the Results tab.

    The Stockpile Results and Blend Results tables can be copied to the clipboard or printed. However, MineMarket cannot automatically create transactions from the suggested blend stockpiles. (This is because source stockpiles may have been used for which there is no direct process flow between the locations.)

    Rows highlighted in orange indicate analyte values that are outside the warning limits. Rows highlighted in red indicate analyte values that are outside the minimum or maximum. If a blend is not possible with the current criteria, an error message displays.

  9. If the suggested blend is unsatisfactory, select the Blend Criteria tab, adjust the criteria as required and recalculate the blend.
  10. If the suggested blend is satisfactory, click Save Result.

    The blend displays on the Blend History tab.

    Note: This tab can be used as an explorer for all blends. Select a date range and filter to search for blends if required.

  11. Update the Blend Date, Name and Comments for the blend if required.
  12. For an interim blend, select the Transactions From and Transactions To dates if required.
  13. To assign the blend to the stockpile, right-click in the Blend Assignment table and select New from the menu.

    Note: If analyte values exceed limits, a warning displays. The blend can still be assigned if required.

  14. Click Save.

    The assigned blend quality displays as the Blend Plan values in the Quality table on the Current State tab of the stockpile screen.