Update a Scheduled Shipment

Security Note: You need the Allow Supply and Demand Shipment Modification security right in the Planning domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the SD Plan.
  2. Select the Scheduled Shipments tab.
  3. Select a scheduled shipment.

    Important: Care must be taken when modifying shipment details. For example, it is possible in the supply and demand plan to select a contract product and product combination that does not match the contract. However, changes made to shipments in the supply and demand plan do not overwrite data in other MineMarket modules.

  4. Perform one of the following steps:
    1. Right-click the scheduled shipment and select Update <name of scheduled shipment> Data from Actual Shipment from the menu.

      Logistical and contractual data are imported from other MineMarket modules.

    2. Update the following fields as required.
      • Name
      • Shipment—Name of the actual shipment assigned to the scheduled shipment. Selected via the Import Shipments screen or from a drop-down list of unassigned shipments.
      • Vessel—Select from the bulk vessels defined on the Transport panel of the Solution Explorer.
      • Contract—Selected with the shipment via the Import Shipments screen. Clicking the ellipsis (...) opens the Contract Explorer to search for a contract.
      • Contract Product—Selected with the shipment via the Import Shipments screen or from a drop-down list of contract products defined within contracts for the organisation.
      • Product—This product should match the selected contract product. Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
      • Contract Price—Editable contract price.
      • Comment—The maximum length is 50 characters.
      • Required Quantity—The imported quantity is the required quantity specified on the despatch order associated with the shipment.
      • Quantity UOM—Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
      • Train Operator—Editable quantity assigned to the train operator, in the specified Quantity UOM for the scheduled shipment. A separate column displays for each train operator specified on the Train Operators tab of the SD Plan Configuration screen.
      • Port—Select from the port locations defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer.
      • Laycan Start—The format for dates is specified on the SD Plan Configuration screen.
      • Laycan End
      • ETA—Estimated time of arrival.
      • ETL—Estimated time of loading.
      • ETR—Estimated time of railing.
      • CETA—Contract estimated time of arrival.
      • Application ID—Editable identification number or name of the application.
      • Trip Number—Editable number or name of the trip.
      • Is Fulfilled—Whether the scheduled shipment has been fulfilled. Fulfilled shipments do not display on the Whiteboard tab and are not included in the calculation of Total Required and Total Supplied amounts for a planning period.
      • CAVD—Coal availability date.
  5. Click Save.