Enter Route Point Dates for a Train

You can enter planned and actual route point dates as they become available for the train's itinerary.

Planned dates are only validated against other planned dates, and are never updated based upon an actual date. Actual dates are validated against other actual dates, not against planned dates.

The train template determines whether you can enter times as well as dates. See Set up a Train Template.

Security Note: You need the Allow train route plan modifications security right in the Trains domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Train.
  2. Select the required route point or route marker in the Route diagram.
  3. If the route point can be used for both loading and unloading, select whether to enter data for Loading or Unloading for the route point.
  4. Select the Route Plan tab.
  5. To enter planned dates for a loading route point, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Planned—Default: The date when the train was created.
    • Start Loading - Planned
    • End Loading - Planned
    • Departure Date - Planned
  6. To enter planned dates for a route marker, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Planned
    • Departure Date - Planned
    • Comment
  7. To enter planned dates for an unloading route point, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Planned
    • Start Unloading - Planned
    • End Unloading - Planned
    • Departure Date - Planned
  8. To enter actual dates for a loading route point, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Actual—A rake must already be assigned to the train.
    • Start Loading - Actual—Default: The date of the first loading transaction or movement.
    • End Loading - Actual
    • Departure Date - Actual—If the train was created using a train template with Auto Unload checked, MineMarket updates all actual dates for the unloading route point, and creates the unloading transactions using the Default Unloading Process Flow and Default Unloading Stockpile specified in the train template. See Set up a Train Template.
  9. To enter actual dates for a route marker, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Actual
    • Departure Date - Actual
    • Comment
  10. To enter actual dates for an unloading route point, update the following fields as required.
    • Arrival Date - Actual
    • Start Unloading - Actual—Default: The date of the first unloading transaction or movement.
    • End Unloading - Actual
    • Departure Date - Actual
  11. If there are subsequent route points, to update the planned arrival and departure dates at those route points, right-click the current route point and select Assign Route Point ETAs from the menu.

    MineMarket updates the planned dates at the subsequent route points based on the Travel Time Estimate and Duration Time Estimate in the route. The route may be configured to calculate Travel Time With Delays. See Create a Train Route.

  12. To clear dates from a predefined route point that has no recorded activity, right-click the route point and select Unassign from the menu.

    Note: Route points from predefined routes have two small icons above the route point. One icon represents the predefined route type and the other icon represents the location type. If there is no route icon, the route point is a dynamic route point. Unassigning a dynamic route point deletes the route point, instead of just clearing the dates.

    Note: Dates cannot be removed if there is any recorded activity associated with the dates. Recorded activity includes loading or unloading transactions or movements.

  13. Click Save.