Specify a Laycan for a Service Trip

The laycan is the period during which the vessel owner must indicate that the vessel is at the port and ready for loading. To indicate that the vessel is ready, the vessel owner tenders a document called the 'Notice of Readiness' (NOR). Contracts may use the NOR tendered date for some calculations.

The word 'laycan' is a combination of 'laydays' and 'cancelling', which are the first and last days of the period. The charterer does not have to accept the vessel until the laydays date, even if the vessel is ready earlier. If the vessel is not ready by the cancelling date, the charterer may reject the vessel.

Security Note: You need the Allow shipment laycan modifications security right in the Shipments domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Service Trip.
  2. Select the Conditions tab.
  3. Right-click in the Laycan History field group and select New from the menu.
  4. Complete the following fields.
    • Laycan Start Date
    • Laycan End Date
  5. Click Save.