Enter a DU Draft Survey for a Shipment

A discrete unit (DU) draft survey with a back calculation corrects the quantities of the DU loading or unloading movements.

Note: A DU draft survey can only be entered or modified if the applicable DU movements are in their last state. For example:
• If packages have been loaded onto and then unloaded from the shipment, a DU draft survey can no longer be entered at the loading location.
• If packages have been loaded onto a shipment and included in a DU draft survey at the loading location, and then the packages are unloaded, the DU draft survey can no longer be modified.

Security Note: You need the Allow shipment draft surveys security right in the Shipments domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Shipment.
  2. Select the required route point in the Route diagram.
  3. Select the DU Draft Surveys sub-tab on the Logistics tab.
  4. Select a Despatch Order if required. The DU draft survey can be specific to a despatch order. If a despatch order is selected, only movements associated with the despatch order display for allocation to the draft survey.
  5. Right-click in the DU Draft Survey field group and select New from the menu.
  6. Complete the following fields.
    • Start Date—Default: The first available date out of the Actual End (Un)Loading date, Actual Start (Un)Loading date or else the current date.
    • End Date
    • Name
    • Gross Mass—This field is read-only if a back calculation has been applied using the DU draft survey.
    • Unit—Unit of measure for the DU draft survey mass. Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor. This field is read-only if a back calculation has been applied using the DU draft survey.
    • Draft Surveyor—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer and that have the Organisation Role of Draft Surveyors.
    • Surveyor Contact—Select from the contacts associated with the selected Draft Surveyor organisation.
    • First Reading
    • Second Reading
    • Third Reading
    • Readings Unit—Unit of measure associated with the DU draft survey readings. Select from the Length units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
  7. Check Selected in the Transactions field group for each movement to which the DU draft survey applies.
  8. Click Back Calc.

    This button is only enabled if a DU draft survey has been created and associated with at least one movement.

  9. Confirm the back calculation.

    MineMarket updates the selected movements on the shipment.

  10. If a movement needs to be edited, the DU draft survey must be rolled back. To roll back a DU draft survey:
    1. Select the DU draft survey.
    2. Click Rollback.
  11. Click Save.