Manage Barge Line-ups

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to view the Barge Lineup Explorer security right in the Menu user group security rights group for this activity. This activity including steps that impact route point times and berthing, which if performed on the Service Trip, would require security rights.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Barge Line-up Explorer.
  2. View line-ups for a date range at a barge terminal. See View Barge Line-ups.
  3. To automatically resolve berth conflicts and calculate the time required at the berths, click Recalculate Lineup.

    MineMarket calculates the most efficient allocation of berths and the time required for arrival, berthing, loading, documentation, unberthing and departure of service trips, based on the berth settings.

    The service trip ATA, or the ETA if the ATA is not available, is used to determine when the berth is required. The line-up calculation delays the Start Loading - Actual time of a service trip if a berth is unavailable during the required period.

    If any service trips display in the Unassigned Barge Despatches tab, they do not yet have an assigned berth, but they are due to berth in the specified date period. If there are any berth conflicts, then for each conflict, if any other berth is available for the required date period, one of the conflicting service trips is reassigned to the vacant berth. The new line-up for the date range displays.

    Important: Performing a line-up calculation changes the planned times and berth displayed on the Route Plan tab on the Service Trip.

  4. To manually unassign a service trip from a berth, right-click the service trip and select Unassign Berth from the menu.

    The service trip moves to the Unassigned Barge Despatches tab.

  5. To manually assign a service trip to a berth, right-click the service trip and select Assign To Berth » [Berth] from the menu.
  6. To prevent later line-up calculations changing the planned dates for a service trip, right-click the service trip and select Lock Dates from the menu.
  7. Click Save.