Lot Despatches

A lot despatch is a collection of multiple trains, multiple truck despatches, multiple service trips or multiple shipments from a specified location. One or more assigned despatch orders are applicable to the collection of despatches, rather than to individual despatches.

Use the Lot Despatch Explorer to create, view and edit lot despatches.

Lot Despatch Quality

Composite, lot and discrete unit (DU) lot samples can be entered for lot despatches. If no samples are entered for a lot despatch, the quality is based upon the weighted average quality of the individual despatches.

Invoicing of the Lot Despatch

A lot despatch can be invoiced, which groups the individual despatches for invoicing.

Example: 45 trucks are used to despatch a product to a customer in a month. These 45 trucks are grouped in lots of 15; therefore, there are 3 lots. Each lot has its own composite quality, and total weight (the sum of the weights on the trucks). The contract terms are applied against the lots of 15 trucks separately, not against the individual trucks or the total 45 trucks. If the three lots are grouped into a single invoice, there will be three treatment charges, and so on.