Enter Analyte Quality Forecasts

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain analyte quality forecasts security right in the Marketing user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Analyte Quality Forecasts.
  2. To add a forecast:
    1. Right-click in the Analyte Quality Forecasts table and select New from the menu.
    2. Update the Name if required.
    3. Complete the following fields to limit the applicability of the analyte quality forecast if required.
      • Material Type—Select from the material types on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
      • Products—Select from the products and brands on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
    4. Select the Entry Frequency and the Forward Frequency. The entry frequency indicates when quality updates for the analytes are available and need to be entered. The forward frequency indicates when there is a change in the forecast of analyte qualities. Select from Week, Month (default) and Quarter. These fields are read-only if any analyte qualities have been entered for the forecast.

      Example: A forecast is released weekly with updated qualities for copper for each of the next 6 months. The Entry Frequency is by Week and the Forward Frequency is by Month.

    5. Select Calendars to determine non-working dates and start days of weeks and months if required. Select from the calendars defined in the Calendar Editor.
    6. Enter a Description if required.
  3. To enter analyte qualities for a forecast:
    1. Select the forecast in the Analyte Quality Forecasts table.
    2. The analytes associated with the forecast's Material Type and Products display by default. To add another analyte:
      1. Right-click in the Analyte Forecast Qualities table and select Add from the menu.
      2. Select the analyte definition.
    3. Enter the following search criteria as required.
      • Applicable Start Date—Controls the date range in the Effective Start field.
      • Applicable End Date
      • Forward Start Date—Controls the date range in the Analyte Forecast Qualities table.
      • Forward End Date
    4. Click Search.
    5. Update the Unit and Decimal Places for each analyte if required. The default unit and decimal places are as defined in the Analyte Definition Editor.
    6. For every future Effective Start date, enter qualities for every analyte and Date.

      Bold type on the Effective Start date indicates that values have been entered for that effective date. Qualities cannot be entered for past dates.

  4. Click Save.