Charts of Accounts

A chart of accounts defines the conditions upon which journal entries are created, including the relevant accounts, depending on the account configuration.

Example: A chart of accounts of document type Sales Invoice can be set up specific to District A, containing two accounts that debit revenue to Account A0001 and credit revenue to Account A0002. When a sales invoice is created for a sales contract with seller of District A, and subsequently all the despatch orders in the invoice are locked, a journal group for District A is created. This includes the two journal entries, one for each of the two accounts.

Journal entries can be created for invoices, payments, refunds, invoice revaluation adjustments, trade profit or loss amounts and hedging profit or loss amounts.

Document Types

Charts of accounts can be set up for the following document types:

  • Sales Invoice
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Funds Receipt
  • Freight Invoice
  • Freight Commission Invoice
  • Service Invoice
  • Demurrage Invoice
  • Freight Demurrage Invoice
  • Freight Demurrage Commission Invoice
  • Service Demurrage Invoice
  • Despatch Invoice
  • Credit Note
  • Debit Note
  • Transfer
  • Sales Revaluation
  • Purchase Revaluation
  • FX Revaluation
  • Freight Revaluation
  • Service Revaluation
  • Hedging
  • FX Hedging
  • Profit And Loss
  • Custom Document Type

One chart of accounts can be set up for each material type, district and accounting group combination, and for each document type.

Account Concepts

Each account set up in a chart of accounts is associated with a given concept; for example, invoice value, treatment charge or price sharing. The concepts available depend on the document type:

If the Document Type is Sales Invoice, Purchase Invoice, Credit Note, Debit Note or Transfer, the available concepts are:

  • Bonus and Penalty
  • Bonus and Penalty With Tax
  • Contract Charge Concept
  • Contract Charge Concept With Tax
  • Deduction On Payables
  • Deduction On Payables With Tax
  • Demurrage
  • Demurrage With Tax
  • Despatch
  • Despatch With Tax
  • Dynamic Invoice Items
  • Dynamic Items With Tax
  • Fixed Charges
  • Fixed Charges With Tax
  • FOB Value
  • Freight Parity
  • Freight Parity With Tax
  • Freight Value
  • Freight Value and Tax
  • Invoice Value
  • Payment Conditions
  • Payment Conditions With Tax
  • Payment Due
  • Premium
  • Premium With Tax
  • Prepayment Amount—(Only applicable if Document Type is Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice.) Uses the payable amount of the prepayment invoice. Should only be used if Use Prepayment is checked for the chart of accounts. Must be of the same Account Type as specified for the Account Type Prepayment.
  • Price Participation
  • Price Participation With Tax
  • Price Sharing
  • Price Sharing With Tax
  • Product Parity
  • Product Parity With Tax
  • Refining Charge
  • Refining Charge With Tax
  • Revenue
  • Revenue With Tax
  • Service Value
  • Service Value And Tax
  • Taxes
  • Template Charges
  • Template Charges With Tax
  • Tolerance
  • Treatment Charge
  • Treatment Charge With Tax
  • Umpiring Charge
  • Umpiring Charge With Tax

If the Document Type is Funds Receipt or Refund, the available concepts are:

  • Invoices Forex Adjustment—If the invoice primary currency is different from the chart of accounts primary currency.
  • Invoices Total Value
  • Payment Charges
  • Payment/Receipt Amount
  • Write Off
  • And all concepts applicable to sales and purchase invoices

If the Document Type is Freight Invoice, Freight Commission Invoice, Freight Demurrage Invoice or Freight Demurrage Commission Invoice, the available concepts are:

  • Demurrage
  • Demurrage With Tax
  • Despatch
  • Despatch With Tax
  • Dynamic Invoice Items
  • Dynamic Items With Tax
  • Freight Value
  • Freight Value and Tax
  • Invoice Value
  • Payment Due
  • Taxes
  • Tolerance

If the Document Type is Service Invoice or Service Demurrage Invoice, the available concepts are:

  • Demurrage
  • Demurrage With Tax
  • Despatch
  • Despatch With Tax
  • Dynamic Invoice Items
  • Dynamic Items With Tax
  • Invoice Value
  • Payment Due
  • Service Value
  • Service Value And Tax
  • Taxes
  • Tolerance

If the Document Type is Demurrage Invoice or Despatch Invoice, the available concepts are:

  • Demurrage
  • Demurrage With Tax
  • Despatch
  • Despatch With Tax
  • Dynamic Invoice Items
  • Dynamic Items With Tax
  • Invoice Value
  • Taxes
  • Tolerance

If the Document Type is Sales Revaluation, Purchase Revaluation or FX Revaluation, the available concepts are:

  • Actual Revenue
  • Bonus and Penalty
  • Contract Charge Concept
  • Deduction On Payables
  • Demurrage
  • Despatch
  • Dynamic Invoice Items
  • Estimated Revenue
  • Fixed Charges
  • Freight Parity
  • Invoice Value
  • Premium
  • Price Participation
  • Price Sharing
  • Product Parity
  • Refining Charge
  • Revenue
  • Template Charges
  • Tolerance
  • Treatment Charge

If the Document Type is Freight Revaluation or Service Revaluation, the available concepts are:

  • Demurrage
  • Despatch
  • Dynamic Invoice Items
  • Freight Value—Only applicable to Freight Revaluation.
  • Invoice Value
  • Service Value—Only applicable to Service Revaluation.
  • Tolerance

If the Document Type is Hedging or FX Hedging, the available concepts are:

  • Valuation Net Loss
  • Valuation Net Profit
  • Valuation Total Broker Fee
  • Valuation Total Loss
  • Valuation Total Premium
  • Valuation Total Profit

If the Document Type is Profit And Loss, the available concepts are:

  • Bonus and Penalty
  • Contract Charge Concept
  • Fixed Charges
  • Freight Parity
  • Freight Value
  • FX Hedging Value
  • Hedging Value
  • Invoice Value
  • Premium
  • Price Participation
  • Price Sharing
  • Refining Charge
  • Revenue
  • Service Value
  • Tolerance
  • Treatment Charge
  • Umpiring Charge

Account Sub-concepts

Some account concepts can be further refined by sub-concepts.

If the Concept is Dynamic Invoice Items or Dynamic Items With Tax, the available sub-concepts are the Dynamic Invoice Item Types list items defined in the List Editor.

If the Concept is Freight Value or Freight Value and Tax, the available sub-concepts are the Freight Activity list items defined in the List Editor.

If the Concept is Invoice Value, the available sub-concepts are:

  • Total Amount—This is the only option if the Document Type is Profit And Loss.
  • Net Amount
  • Tax Component
  • Due Amount
  • Held Amount—Not applicable if the Document Type is Funds Receipt.
  • Due Amount Before Tax
  • Held Amount Before Tax—Not applicable if the Document Type is Funds Receipt.
  • Due Amount Before Tax + Taxes
  • Held Amount Before Tax + Taxes—Not applicable if the Document Type is Funds Receipt.

If the Concept is Invoices Total Value, the available sub-concepts are:

  • Total Amount
  • Payable Amount
  • Due Amount
  • Forex Adjustment

If the Concept is Payment Charges, the available sub-concepts are the Payment Charges list items defined in the List Editor.

If the Concept is Payment Due or Payment/Receipt Amount, the available sub-concepts are:

  • Total Amount
  • Net Amount

If the Concept is Contract Charge Concept, the available sub-concepts are the Contract Charge Concept list items defined in the List Editor.

If the Concept is Premium or Premium With Tax or Refining Charge or Refining Charges With Tax or Treatment Charge or Treatment Charge With Tax, the available sub-concepts are:

  • All Values
  • Base Value
  • Linked Values
  • Total Amount

If the Concept is Service Value or Service Value And Tax, the available sub-concepts are the Service Activity list items defined in the List Editor.

If the Concept is Taxes, the available sub-concepts are the taxes defined in the Tax Editor.

If the Concept is Template Charges, the available sub-concepts are the contract charge templates in the Contract Charge Templates.

If the Concept is Custom Account Concept, the available sub-concepts are the Custom Account Concept list items defined in the List Editor.

Accounting Groups

The accounting group links the contract to the chart of accounts in the relevant document type.

Accounting groups relate directly to the company's enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. They allow the accounting journals to be created in such a way so that when the journals are passed across to the ERP system, they are compatible with the setup of the chart of accounts in the general ledger.

The material contract can be defined against a specific accounting group when entering general details for material contracts. Accounting groups are also used when generating invoices and when interacting with the company's accounting system.

Balancing the Journals

The chart of accounts is like an accounting ledger, in that it has to be of a double-entry nature, with both a credit and debit portion.

Balancing a journal can be done either by district, or by the sum of all districts. Whether the journal creation requires district balancing or overall balancing can be defined in the chart of accounts.

Rounding Error Management

Sometimes, especially if contributors are used, small rounding errors are introduced when journal entries are created, thereby leaving the journal unbalanced.

Example: Invoice for $15,555.55 with two Contributors: A: 90%, B: 10%. Two journal entries are created: A: 90% = $14,000.00, B: 10% = $1555.56. The sum of these values is $15,555.56, which is not balanced if we create another account for 100%.

A chart of accounts has a maximum adjustment value associated with it. If Use Rounding Adjustment is specified, and the rounding error is less than or equal to this tolerance, the difference is distributed into the already created accounts for a journal, thereby avoiding the creation of a tolerance account for such a small value. Otherwise, the difference is put into the tolerance account, which is a special account in the chart of accounts.

Forex Gain/Loss Example

If the Document Type is Funds Receipt or Refund, accounts can be set up for foreign exchange gain or loss incurred for the selected concept (and sub-concept if applicable).

Example: An invoice has a primary currency of USD and secondary currency of AUD. At the date of the invoice, the instalment of USD 10.87 was equivalent to AUD 15.99. However, when the payment of USD 10.87 was made, it was only equivalent to AUD 12.08. The following table summarises the accounts and payment journals.

Account Type Concept Forex Gain/Loss Debits (USD) Credits (USD) Debits (AUD) Credits (AUD)
Credit Invoices Total Value Unchecked   10.87   12.08
Debit Invoices Total Value Unchecked 10.87   12.08  
Credit Invoices Total Value Checked     3.91  
Debit Invoices Total Value Checked       3.91