Enter Bricks for a Set of Contract Terms

Security Note: You need the Allow contract maintenance security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract.
  2. Select the top-level node of the contract.
  3. Check Apply Bricks in the Contract Details field group.
  4. Expand the required set of contract terms.
  5. Select the Bricks node.

    Note: At least one brick corresponding to the current set of contract terms is required. MineMarket creates this first brick automatically with an initial percentage of 100%.

  6. Select the Brick Method. Select from:
    • By Tonnage—Brick percentage is applied to all shipment tonnage to obtain a brick tonnage over which all further calculations are made (determination of payable contents, revenue, charges, and so on).
    • By Value—Brick percentage is applied at the moment of calculation of the value of each line item in the invoice (standard value is multiplied by the brick percentage).
  7. To add another set of contract terms as a brick:
    1. Right-click in the Brick Details field group and select Add Brick from the menu.

      The Contract Explorer displays as a dialog box. See Find Sales or Purchase Contracts for descriptions of the search criteria.

    2. Search for and select the set of contract terms to be added as a brick.
    3. Click OK.
  8. Complete the following fields for each brick:
    • Quantity Percentage—Percentage of each concept that applies to the brick. The total of all brick percentages must be 100%. No brick can have 0%.
    • Quantity Decimals—Number of decimal places to which the wet mass and dry mass are rounded in the bricks calculation.
    • Perform Tonnage Adjustment—Whether to perform tonnage adjustment on the related contract term for the brick, that is, to adjust for any difference generated by the actual shipped tonnage apportionment.
  9. If the selected set of contract terms contains a Concept of an applicable type, select the applicability of the concept from Apply to Brick, Apply to all Bricks and Do not apply. The concepts that can apply to bricks are:
    • Payable Analyte
      • Deduction
      • Payable Percentage
      • Price Sharing
      • Price Participation
      • Quotation Pricing Header
      • Refining Charge
    • Contract Charges
      • Fixed Charge
      • Mass Adjustment
      • Penalty/Bonus
      • Premium
      • Treatment Charge
      • Umpiring Charge
  10. To re-reference the contract terms for a brick, ensuring that the data is up to date, right-click the brick in the Brick Details field group and select Update Contract Terms from the menu.
  11. To delete a brick, right-click the brick in the Brick Details field group and select Delete Brick from the menu.
  12. Click Save.