Contract Quota Snapshots

Important: MineMarket only calculates contract quota snapshots if the contract quota snapshot settings are enabled. See Specify Snapshot Settings.


Contract quota snapshots display detailed weights and assay values and a preview of invoice line items. These values are calculated by the MineMarket Marketing Service each time applicable data is saved and warehousing is complete. This includes when:

  • A quota is modified
  • A despatch order in the quota is modified
  • A despatch order is created for the quota
  • An existing despatch order is associated with the quota
  • A despatch order in the quota is deleted or removed from the quota
  • A snapshot for a despatch order in the quota is recalculated
  • An invoice is created for the despatch order
  • The recalculation is triggered manually by the user

Snapshot Types

Default Snapshots

The default snapshot displays if the Invoice Type is None.

Three default snapshot types are created for a contract quota:

  1. Total Despatch Orders—Displays the aggregation of snapshots of despatch orders in the quota
  2. Balance—Displays the information that was calculated using:
    Quota Required Quantity – Sum of Despatch Order Quantities

    However, if the sum of despatch order quantities is greater than the minimum quantity of the quota, the balance is considered to be zero. If no minimum quantity is specified for the quota, the balance is zero once the sum of despatch order quantities exceeds the required quantity of the quota.

  3. Total—Displays the aggregation of the Total Despatch Orders and Balance

All of these snapshots display for Revenue and the first two snapshots display for Costs:

  • The Revenue tab represents a summary of the sales or purchase invoices for the quota snapshots.
  • The Costs tab represents a summary of other invoices for the selected quota snapshot: service, freight, demurrage, service demurrage, freight demurrage, freight commission.

A third tab displays the difference between the revenue and the costs (Profit And Loss).

The Costs and Profit And Loss tabs only display if the calculation of costs is enabled in the despatch order snapshot settings.


If the Invoice Scope of a service or freight contract rate is Sales/Purchase Invoice or All, the line item displays on the Revenue tab because it affects the sales or purchase invoices.


Costs are associated with extracting, moving, loading and shipping the material. These costs may be set up as costs or service charges on the sales/purchase contract, on the despatch order, or on the despatch. Demurrage/despatch conditions and freight commissions are also displayed on the Costs tab of the snapshot. Each cost represents an aggregation of an invoice type (for example, service, freight, demurrage) for the selected quota snapshot.

All costs in the quota snapshot are based on actual quantities, even if some despatch orders are unfulfilled.

Costs related to service charges only display for a quota balance if all the following conditions are met:

  • The location for the service charge matches the Contractual Source or Contractual Destination of the quota, or the service charge is not limited to a location.
  • The material type for the service charge matches the material type of the quota, or the service charge is not limited to a material type.
  • The product or brand for the service charge matches the product or brand of the quota, or the service charge is not limited to a product or brand.
  • The invoice date for the quota is within a rate period for the service charge, or the service charge has a rate period not limited to a date range.

The snapshot can display the following demurrage/despatch invoice previews:

  • Demurrage/despatch with the customer—Configured in the sales or purchase contract; and applicable to either the loading or unloading location. The applicable location depends on the delivery term: For FOB, the demurrage/despatch is at the origin. For other delivery terms, the demurrage/despatch is at the destination.
  • Freight or service demurrage/despatch—Configured in the freight or service contract; and applicable to either the loading or unloading location. The location used depends on the demurrage/despatch conditions. Separate freight or service demurrage/despatch invoice previews may exist for both the origin and destination.
  • Freight commission for demurrage/despatch if the freight contract is configured with an address commission.

The due dates for demurrage/despatch invoices are calculated based on the payment issue date terms for which the Reference Document is Demurrage/Despatch.

Snapshots Specific to an Invoice Type

Snapshots specific to the proforma invoice (and any other invoice types lower than proforma) are calculated only on required quantities and contract product specifications. These values are used even if loading weights, samples or other later information is available. Despatch order snapshots are not included in these quota snapshots. Therefore, only a balance and total display for the proforma quota snapshot.

Analyte Information and Invoice Previews

Analyte (assay) information and invoice previews are calculated in the same way as for despatch order snapshots. This includes whether analyte quality forecast values are used instead of analyte specifications when actual analyte values from samples and assays are not available.