Cancel a Despatch Order

Use this activity to cancel a despatch order (DO); for example, if:

  • The material is no longer wanted by the customer and should not be despatched.
  • The DO is not needed for any further transactions, despatches, invoices or payments.
  • A source DO is still required, but the linked DO is no longer required.

If a DO is cancelled:

  • The status is no longer applicable and does not display in the Status field in Despatch Order tables, nor is the status history displayed on the Status or Status History tabs throughout MineMarket.
  • The status cannot be changed.
  • The DO cannot be invoiced with any invoice type. See note below about linked DOs.
  • The DO cannot be added to a despatch.
  • The DO has no further effect on the available credit for organisations under credit control.
  • The DO does not display in DO searches on the Invoice Batch Processing screen.
  • The DO is not included in any Revaluation, even if the revaluation parameters include uninvoiced DOs.
  • The DO is not included in hedging or in the Commodity Exposure report.

Additionally, if a parent despatch order (PDO) is cancelled, its child despatch orders (CDOs) are cancelled.

Additionally, if a CDO is cancelled:

  • The CDO's required quantity is not included in the Child DO Required Quantity for the aggregated parent despatch order (APDO).
  • The CDO's required quantity and analyte values are not included in the Assay Values Snapshot of the APDO.
  • The CDO is not included when invoicing the APDO.

Additionally, if a source DO is cancelled, its linked DOs are cancelled. If the source and linked DOs are in a trade together, when the source DO is cancelled, the trade quantity is zero.

Additionally, if a linked DO is cancelled:

  • The required quantity, final quantity and final dry quantity are changed to zero.
  • If the linked DO was invoiced prior to being cancelled, one further invoice can be created to reverse the previous invoice instalments.
  • If the linked DO was in a trade, the trade quantity is zero.

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain despatch orders security right in the Contracts domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Despatch Order.

    Note: You can also cancel a DO via the Despatch Orders node in the Sales Contract or Purchase Contract or via the Despatch Orders tab on the node for the quota.

  2. Select the Details tab.
  3. Check Cancelled.
  4. Click Save.