Override Payment Details for an Invoice

The payment method and due date can be overridden on both unlocked and locked invoices, as long as the invoice instalment has not been paid in full.

Any payment conditions based on the instalment due date are not recalculated.

Important: Payment detail overrides are deleted if the invoice is recalculated.

This activity is applicable to all document types.

Security Note: You need the applicable Allow the user to override the due date of invoices [document type] security right in the Invoice user group security rights group for this activity. However, the Allow the user to override the due date of invoices (freight invoice) security right controls this activity for freight invoices, freight commission invoices, freight demurrage invoices, freight demurrage commission invoices and service demurrage invoices.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Sales Invoice, Credit Note, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Note, Demurrage Invoice, Freight Invoice, Freight Commission Invoice, Freight Demurrage Invoice, Freight Demurrage Commission Invoice, Service Invoice or Service Demurrage Invoice.
  2. Select the Payment Details tab.

    The instalments that were defined in the contract for the invoice iteration type display.

  3. Update the following fields as required.
    • Payment Method—Select from the Payment Methods list items defined in the List Editor.
    • Due Date—Date the instalment is due. Changing this date updates the instalment due date on the Preview tab of the invoice. However, any payment conditions based on the instalment due date are not recalculated.
    • Comments—Comments about the instalment due date override.
  4. Select the Preview tab to view the changes.
  5. Click Save.