Run an Invoice Revaluation

Invoice revaluations can also be run as part of an automated month-end process.

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to edit the Revaluations security right in the Intelligent Reporting security group for a domain assigned to the user group.

Important: Starting an invoice revaluation run also saves all data that is in the client save list, including any data that has been changed on any other MineMarket screen since the last save.
To avoid errors:
• Only start the invoice revaluation from a single MineMarket Client.
• Do not close the MineMarket Client while the invoice revaluation request is being submitted to the MineMarket Server.
• Do not edit or save despatch orders or invoices that are within the invoice revaluation scope while the invoice revaluation is being run.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Revaluation.
  2. Select the Revaluation tab.
  3. If the invoice revaluation is new, or if parameters have changed, or to update the invoices and despatch orders included in the invoice revaluation, click Search.
  4. Click Recalculate.

    Note: Invoice revaluations are processed by the MineMarket Marketing Service. The MineMarket Client does not need to be kept running while an invoice revaluation is being processed.
    The controls on the Revaluation screen are locked when an invoice revaluation request is created in the database. The controls are only unlocked when the invoice revaluation process is completed (successfully or not).
    The progress bar on the Revaluation screen displays 0% to 100% quickly when the invoice revaluation starts to show that a request has been submitted to the MineMarket Server. Then the progress bar starts again from 0% and updates as the MineMarket Server sends notifications of the revaluation progress.

    If a Currency was selected in the parameters, all Adjustment amounts are converted to that currency. If no currency was selected, the adjustment amounts display in the currency of each invoice. If all adjustments are in the same currency, a Total displays.

  5. Select the Display Method for invoice items. Select from All Entries and Per Invoice.

    For all revaluation scopes except FX Revaluation:

    • Revaluation Payable Content is the revaluated payable content of analyte in the despatch, as per the revaluation calculation, converted to the unit of measure specified by the Unit Of Measure parameter, and rounded up to the number of decimal places as specified by the Metal Content Decimal Places parameter.
    • Original Price Revaluation is the revaluated price of the analyte in the despatch, rounded to 5 decimal places.
    • Revaluated Price is the revaluated price of the analyte in the despatch, rounded to the number of decimal places specified for the price.
    • QP Start and QP End are only applicable to revenue invoice line items; that is, for payable analyte invoice line items and product pricing invoice line items.
    • Revaluated Invoice Value is the value of the invoice line item in the revaluated invoice.
    • Invoice Item Adjustment is the difference between the revaluated invoice item and the original invoice item value, in the displayed Invoice Item Currency.
    • Revaluation Adjustment is the difference between the revaluated invoice item and the original invoice item value, in the displayed Revaluation Currency.
    • Price Estimated indicates whether the price of the invoice line item is based on a forward curve.

    For FX Revaluation:

    • Invoice Item Value is the difference between the Net Amount Converted and the Paid Amount Converted.
    • Invoice Item Value Converted is the invoice item value converted to the revaluation currency, using the Invoice FX Rate.
    • Invoice FX Rate is the stored exchange rate from the invoice if available, or else the exchange rate at the invoice date.
    • Invoice Item Value Revaluated is the invoice item value converted to the revaluation currency, using the Revaluation FX Rate.
    • Revaluation FX Rate is the exchange rate at the revaluation date.
    • Gain/Loss is the difference between the Invoice Item Value Revaluated and the Invoice Item Value Converted.
  6. To view the invoice revaluation calculation log, select the Log tab. The log displays the progress of the revaluation calculations, or the start time, end time, duration and total number of errors of the last invoice revaluation if the invoice revaluation is complete.
  7. If the invoice revaluation runs with errors, check Revalue errors only to reduce processing time when running the invoice revaluation again.
  8. If the Revaluation Scope is Price Revaluation or FX Revaluation, to export the full invoice revaluation data to an Excel file:
    1. Right-click in either the Invoices table or the Invoice Detail table and select Export Grid To » Excel File from the menu.
    2. Enter the name of the Excel file.
    3. Click Save.

      Note: The data from both tables is merged in the saved file, with one row per invoice.

  9. To export the invoice revaluation data to a CSV, XML or TXT file:
    1. Right-click in the table and select Export Grid To » [File Type] from the menu.
    2. Enter the name of the CSV, XML or TXT file.
    3. Click Save.