Journal Creation for Payments and Refunds
Payments and refunds can have their values posted to the chart of accounts.
If a chart of accounts for the relevant document type (Funds Receipt or Refund) is configured, when the payment or journal is locked, journal entries can be created automatically or manually.
Payment and refund journal entries cannot be created with zero value. If the payment or refund is zero, only the journal header (without journal entries) can be created.
Written-Off Payment Amounts
When a payable amount is written off, the amount written off is entered into the write-off account, a special account in the chart of accounts.
Automatic Journal Creation for Payments and Refunds
A sales and marketing setting controls whether MineMarket creates journals automatically when payments and refunds are locked. See Specify Sales and Marketing Settings. After a payment or refund is locked, if journal entries are not created automatically, the journals can be created manually.
Journal Entries for Payments and Refunds for Multiple Invoice Instalments
A sales and marketing setting controls whether MineMarket creates journals that are specific to each invoice instalment. See Specify Sales and Marketing Settings. This setting has no effect on journals for payments or refunds for only one invoice instalment.
Any payment charges or write-off amounts are assigned to one invoice instalment rather than being divided pro-rata across instalments.
Journal Entries in Multiple Currencies
If the relevant account in the chart of accounts has:
- Both a primary and a secondary currency defined, the Debits and Credits fields display for both currencies in the journal entry
- Store Original Currency checked, the Debits and Credits fields display for the original currency as well as the primary and secondary currencies if applicable
If debits and credits display for multiple currencies, the exchange rates also display.
Journal Explorer
The Journal Explorer can be used to view journals and their journal entries. Multiple journals can also be locked or unlocked.