Record a Payment or Refund Reversal

You can only reverse a payment or refund if the payment or refund is locked.

Security Note: For payments, you need the Allow the user to reverse payments security right in the Payments user group security rights group for this activity. For refunds, you need the Allow the user to reverse refunds security right in the Payments user group security rights group.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Payment Explorer.
  2. Find the payment or refund to be reversed. See Find Payments and Refunds.
  3. Ensure that the payment or refund is locked. See Lock a Payment or Refund.
  4. For a payment:
    1. Right-click the payment and select Revert Payment from the menu.

      The Installment Payment displays an inverse of the original payment.

    2. Select the Invoice Installments tab.

      MineMarket calculates the Paid Amount for each associated invoice instalment.

  5. For a refund:
    1. Right-click the refund and select Revert Refund from the menu.

      The Refund displays an inverse of the original refund.

    2. Select the Invoice Installments tab.

      MineMarket calculates the Refund Amount for each associated invoice instalment.

  6. Click Save.