Enter Toll Account Survey Data
Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain toll accounts security right in the Accounting user group security rights group for this activity.
Activity Steps
- Open the Toll Accounts screen.
- Select the toll account category in the Toll Account Categories field group.
- Select the toll account in the Toll Accounts field group.
- Select the Surveys tab.
- To update survey data for a previous survey:
- Enter the Start Date and End Date in the Criteria field group.
- Click Refresh.
- To create a new survey, right-click in the Surveys table and select New from the menu.
Note: If the toll account has a Closing Date, (even if that is a future date), the New menu option is hidden and no surveys can be created.
- Update the following fields as required.
- Date Surveyed—Default: Current date and time.
- Content—Amount of material recorded for the survey.
- Unit—Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
- Comment
- Reason Code—Select from the Survey Reason Code list items defined in the List Editor.
- Click Save.