Enter Toll Account Survey Data

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to maintain toll accounts security right in the Accounting user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Toll Accounts screen.
  2. Select the toll account category in the Toll Account Categories field group.
  3. Select the toll account in the Toll Accounts field group.
  4. Select the Surveys tab.
  5. To update survey data for a previous survey:
    1. Enter the Start Date and End Date in the Criteria field group.
    2. Click Refresh.
  6. To create a new survey, right-click in the Surveys table and select New from the menu.

    Note: If the toll account has a Closing Date, (even if that is a future date), the New menu option is hidden and no surveys can be created.

  7. Update the following fields as required.
    • Date Surveyed—Default: Current date and time.
    • Content—Amount of material recorded for the survey.
    • Unit—Select from the Mass units defined in the Unit Conversion Editor.
    • Comment
    • Reason Code—Select from the Survey Reason Code list items defined in the List Editor.
  8. Click Save.