Find Hedge Positions

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to view the Hedging Explorer security right in the Menu user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Hedging Explorer.
  2. Select the Hedge Actions tab.
  3. Enter the following search criteria as required.
    • Date Range—The date selector has the following options:
      • Month—Select a single month of a selected calendar year.
      • Quarter—Select a single quarter of a selected calendar year.
      • Year—Select a single calendar year.
      • Date Range—Specify any start and end date. Default: The three months prior to the current system date.
      • Today—Set the date range to the current date.
      • Clear—Ignore the date range as a search criterion.
    • Date Type—Date type to match for the End Date Range. Select from:
      • Hedge Date
      • Maturity Date
      • Declaration Date—Only applicable to options contracts.
      • Quotation Period—Includes all hedge positions with any overlap between the QP and the search date range. If searching for futures contracts, a search by quotation period returns futures contracts with the maturity date within the search date range. This is because the market price for futures is based on the maturity date, and the hedging summary is based on when the market price is determined. If searching for spread contracts, a search by quotation period returns spread contracts with the maturity date of either leg within the search date range.
    • Owner Organisation—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • District—Select from the districts defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Commodity / Market Commodity—Select from the commodities and market commodities defined on the Market/Commodity Editor.
    • Contract Type—Select from Futures, Options, Spread and Swaps.
    • Transaction Type—Select from Buy and Sell.
    • Settlement State—Select from Settled, Valued, Not Valued, Valued With Errors, Withdrawn, Executed and Executed With Errors.
    • Broker—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer and that have the Organisation Role of Brokers.
  4. To include a text string in the search criteria:
    1. Select the method to Search By from Hedge Action Name, Hedge Action Group Reference and Broker Reference.
    2. Enter the Search Text. Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
  5. Click Search or press F3.

    Note: You can save search criteria as a search profile. Search profiles for the Hedging Explorer include all criteria except a selected Date Range. See Use Saved Search Profiles in MineMarket Explorers.

  6. To edit a hedge position or view more details, select the hedge position in the Hedge Actions table.