Find Trades

Security Note: You need the Allow the user to view the Trade Explorer security right in the Menu user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Trade Explorer.
  2. Select the View for the profit and loss (P&L) of trades:
    • Latest—The latest calculation of the total and mark-to-market (MTM) P&L display.
    • Historical Total—The total P&L displays for each date within the date range and for the latest calculation.
    • Historical MTM—The MTM P&L displays for each date within the date range and for the latest calculation.

    MTM and historical P&L data can only display if Create Copy Of Trade Profit And Loss is checked on the Trading tab of the Options screen.

  3. Enter the following search criteria as required.
    • P&L Start Date—Date from which to search for historical profit and loss snapshots. Default: First day of the current month. Not applicable if View is Latest.
    • P&L End Date—Date up to which to search for historical profit and loss snapshots. Default: Current date. Not applicable if View is Latest.
    • Calculation Errors Only—Whether to display only trades that have a profit and loss (P&L) snapshot with calculation errors. If checked and View is Latest, trades with no calculation errors in the flash P&L are excluded from the search results. If checked and View is Historical Total or Historical MTM, trades with no calculation errors in the latest P&L of the selected date range are excluded from the search results. Default: Unchecked.
    • Trade Name—Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
    • Statuses—Select from the statuses defined in the Trade status definition.
    • Organisations—Select from the organisations and companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Companies—Select from the companies defined on the Organisations panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Material Type—Select from the material types defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Products—Select from the products and brands defined on the Material panel of the Solution Explorer. If a Material Type is selected, only products and brands with that material type display.
    • Locations—Select from the despatch locations defined on the Supply Chain panel of the Solution Explorer. Despatch locations are rail sidings, truck despatch locations, barge terminals and port locations. Includes searching for:
      • Loading locations—Either from despatch routes, or despatch order (DO) planned loading locations.
      • Unloading locations—Either from despatch routes, or DO planned unloading locations.
      • Locations—Specified in sets of mark-to-market terms.
    • Analyte Group—Analyte group for which to display analyte values for DOs. If an analyte group is selected, one column per analyte in the group displays after the Route column, for both purchase and sales. The analyte values are from the latest DO snapshots. Select from the analyte groups defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer.
    • Contract Contacts—Limit the search to trades where the sales or purchase contract has one of the selected contacts assigned.
  4. To include a date range in the search criteria:
    1. Check Include Date Range.
    2. Select the Reference Date from:
      • Loading Arrival—ATA if available, or else ETA (excludes DOs without a despatch loading point).
      • Loading Departure—ATD if available, or else ETD (excludes DOs without a despatch loading point).
      • Unloading Arrival—ATA if available, or else ETA (excludes DOs without a despatch unloading point).
      • Bill Of Lading—Excludes DOs without a bill of lading date.
      • Planned Despatch—Based on the planned despatch date of the DOs.
    3. Select the Start Date and End Date.
  5. To include a text string in the search criteria:
    1. Select the method to Search By from Despatch Order, Quota, Mark To Market and Contract.
    2. Enter the Search Text. Text searches are case-sensitive with SQL databases with a case-sensitive collation and with all Oracle databases.
  6. To limit the search to trades where the difference in profit and loss for the selected category is equal to or greater than the entered variance:
    1. Select the Variance Category from Total, Quantity, Freight, Services, Contract Charges, Hedging, Premiums and Revenue.
    2. Select the Variance Subcategory—The available options depend on the selected Variance Category:
      • Freight—Select from the Freight Activity list items defined in the List Editor. Only freight costs and charges with an assigned Activity are included in the variance search.
      • Services—Select from the Service Activity list items defined in the List Editor. Only service costs and charges with an assigned Activity are included in the variance search.
      • Contract Charges—Select from the Contract Charge Concepts list items defined in the List Editor. Only contract charges with an assigned Charge Concept are included in the variance search.
      • Revenue—Select from the analytes defined on the Quality panel of the Solution Explorer.
    3. Enter the Variance.
    4. Select the Variance Unit from Percentage and Value.
    5. Note: If View is Latest, the latest P&L is compared with the previous P&L. If View is Historical Total or Historical MTM, the P&L at the P&L End Date is compared with the previous P&L.

  7. Click Search or press F3.

    Note: You can save search criteria as a search profile. Search profiles for the Trade Explorer include all criteria except the P&L Start Date, P&L End Date, Start Date and End Date. See Use Saved Search Profiles in MineMarket Explorers.

    Note: The search cannot exceed the Trade Explorer Data Retrieval Threshold. See Specify Trading Settings.

    For DOs:

    • If the DO is associated with a despatch, the Arrival Date is the actual time of arrival (ATA) of the despatch at the unloading location, or else the estimated time of arrival (ETA). If there are multiple despatches, the latest ATA (or ETA) is used.
    • The Route displays the delivery term and the most relevant location for that delivery term. For EXW, FAS, FCA and FOB, this location is the loading location. For other delivery terms, it is the unloading location. If the despatch order is associated with a despatch, the location is from the despatch route, otherwise the location is the applicable planned location from the despatch order. However, if the despatch order assumes generic despatch locations, the location is from the despatch order's location override if specified, or else the planned location.

    For sets of mark-to-market terms, the Route displays the delivery term and location specified in the set of mark-to-market terms.

    The UOM of the traded quantity is the UOM of the sales despatch order or set of mark-to-market terms.

    The MTD is the month-to-date P&L of the trade. If no P&L is available for the last day of the previous month, the previous P&L is used to compare with the latest P&L (that is on or before the P&L End Date in the search criteria). If no P&L prior to the last day of the previous month exists, the MTD P&L is the same as the latest P&L that is on or before the P&L End Date.

    The YTD is the year-to-date profit or loss of the trade. If no P&L is available for the last day of the previous year, the previous P&L is used to compare with the latest P&L (that is on or before the P&L End Date in the search criteria). If no P&L prior to the last day of the previous year exists, the YTD P&L is the same as the latest P&L that is on or before the P&L End Date.

    Tooltips are available on the following columns:

    • Total (in the Latest view)—The date of the calculation.
    • Date (in the Historical Total and Historical MTM views)—The quantity of the trade on that date, which might be different from the current quantity displayed in the Quantity column.
    • Flash (in the Historical Total and Historical MTM views)—The date of the calculation.
    • MTM (in the Latest view)—The date of the previous P&L.

    Columns for weekends in the Historical Total and Historical MTM views are shaded grey.