Create a Billboard Schedule

You must configure the billboard before creating a billboard schedule.

Security Note: You need the Allow billboard schedule maintenance security right in the Billboards domain security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Select the Reporting panel in the Solution Explorer.
  2. Expand the Billboard Schedule Categories node.
  3. Right-click the billboard schedule category and select New » Billboard Schedule from the menu.

    The Billboard Schedule displays.

  4. In the Details field group:
    1. Enter a Name for the schedule.
    2. Select the Billboard from the billboards defined on the Reporting panel of the Solution Explorer.
    3. Set the Output to Save To File or Send To Email.
    4. Select the File Type.

      You can save or email billboards as Excel, CSV, TXT or XML files; or send the CSV data formatted as an HTML table in the body of an email.

    5. If the Output is Save to File, enter the Save Path.
    6. If the Output is Send to Email, enter the Email Address and Subject.

      Note: Enter multiple addresses as a comma-separated list, or click the ellipsis (...) to display a larger field for address editing. The maximum length is 2000 characters. To configure other required email settings, see Configure Email Notifications.

    7. If the Output is Send to Email, enter Email Free Text if required. This text is included in the body of the email above the HTML table.
    8. Select whether to Enable Schedule.

      You can configure the schedule without enabling it.

  5. In the Schedule field group:
    1. Select the Scheduled Period Type from Once, Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
    2. Select the Schedule Start Date.
    3. If Scheduled Period Type is Daily, Weekly or Monthly, enter the Run Every frequency.
    4. If Scheduled Period Type is Weekly, select the Days of Week.
    5. If Scheduled Period Type is Monthly, select the Months.
  6. In the Failure Retry field group, configure retry settings as required.

    These settings are for transient failures. For example, a billboard may fail to run at its scheduled time if there is an interrupted connection to the MineMarket Server.

    1. Select whether to Retry On Failure. Default: Unchecked.
    2. If Retry On Failure is checked, complete the following fields.
      • Maximum Retry Count—Maximum value: 9.
      • Retry Delay—Time between retries in seconds. Maximum value: 3600.
  7. Select the Parameters tab.
  8. Enter the Value for each parameter configured for the billboard.

    For date parameters, you can select a specific, relative or fixed date, or a shift. Specific date examples: Day 1 of Current Month, Quarter 2 of Previous Year. Relative date examples: Yesterday, Last Day of Previous Month, First Day of Next Month.

    For multi-select parameters, there is an option to Auto Select All, in case the list of values is dynamic.

  9. Click Save.