Alert Example - Declaration Date Notification

This example triggers an alert if there is a despatch order with an undeclared quotation pricing (QP) line and the date by which the QP line should have been declared is today or has passed.

This alert is only relevant to despatch orders for contracts where the final QP certainty is unknown or optional. The alert is also only applicable to despatch orders for which the quotation pricing is used in invoice calculations. For example, if an aggregated parent despatch order (PDO) has Invoice Together checked and Aggregation Method set to Average, only the PDO triggers an alert. Quotation pricing is not relevant to the child despatch orders (CDOs). However, if Invoice Together is unchecked on the PDO, or if the Aggregation Method is Sum or None, only the CDOs trigger alerts.

The alert Message Text is:

The final QP needs to be set for a despatch order.

When the user clicks the message, that despatch order displays.

The table below lists the recommended settings for the alert. Other settings may depend on system configuration and configured user groups.


Suggested Value


Declaration Date Notification



Frequency Type

Every n Minutes

Query Frequency


Relevant Object Field


Relevant Object Type


Key Identity Data Fields

DespatchOrderID (Only this field should be selected.)

The SQL Query for the alert is:

  DOStateOptQP.DeclarationDate "Declaration Date",
  DespatchOrder.Name "Despatch Order",
  Contract.Name "Contract",
  ContractProduct.Name "Contract Product",
  coalesce(AnalyteDef.Name, MainAnalyte.Name) AS "Payable Analyte"
  INNER JOIN DOStateOptionalOPs ON DOStateOptionalOPs.DOStateOptionalQPID = DOStateOptQP.DOStateOptQPID
  INNER JOIN DespatchOrderState ON DespatchOrderState.DespatchOrderStateID = DOStateOptionalOPs.DespatchOrderStateID
  INNER JOIN DespatchOrder ON DespatchOrder.DespatchOrderID = DespatchOrderState.DespatchOrderID
  INNER JOIN Contract ON Contract.ContractID = DespatchOrder.ContractID
  INNER JOIN ContractProduct ON ContractProduct.ContractProductID = DespatchOrder.ContractProductID
  INNER JOIN SplitDespatchOrderDef ON SplitDespatchOrderDef.SplitDespatchOrderDefID = DespatchOrder.SplitDespatchOrderDefID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN SplitDespatchOrderDef ParentSplitDespatchOrderDef ON ParentSplitDespatchOrderDef.MasterDespatchOrderID = DespatchOrder.MasterDespatchOrderID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN AnalyteDef ON AnalyteDef.AnalyteDefID = DOStateOptQP.AnalyteDefID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Product ON Product.ProductID = ContractProduct.ProductID
  LEFT OUTER JOIN AnalyteDef MainAnalyte ON MainAnalyte.AnalyteDefID = Product.MainAnalyteID
    FROM DODeclaredQPs, DODeclaredQP
    WHERE DODeclaredQPs.DODeclaredQPID = DODeclaredQP.DODeclaredQPId) declaredQP ON
      declaredQP.DespatchOrderId = DespatchOrder.DespatchOrderId AND
      declaredQP.AnalyteDefId = DOStateOptQP.AnalyteDefID AND
      declaredQP.OrderNumber = DOStateOptQP.OrderNumber
  DespatchOrder.Cancelled = 0 AND
    (DespatchOrder.IsMasterDespatchOrder = 0 AND DespatchOrder.IsChildDespatchOrder = 0) OR
    (DespatchOrder.IsMasterDespatchOrder = 1 AND SplitDespatchOrderDef.InvoicingTogether = 1 AND SplitDespatchOrderDef.AggregationMethod = N'Average') OR
    (DespatchOrder.IsChildDespatchOrder = 1 AND
    (ParentSplitDespatchOrderDef.InvoicingTogether = 0 OR
    (ParentSplitDespatchOrderDef.InvoicingTogether = 1 AND
    ParentSplitDespatchOrderDef.AggregationMethod <> N'Average')))
  ) AND
  declaredQP.DespatchOrderID is null AND
  DOStateOptQP.DeclarationDate <= GETDATE()

Note: This query is specific to Microsoft SQL Server. If the MineMarket database is on an Oracle database server, replace GETDATE() with SYSDATE.