Configure the Deletion of Change History Objects

Whenever an object is created, changed or deleted (that is, when the Save button is clicked), all changes are written to the ChangeRegister table in the MineMarket database. The export DLL uses the code for the Exported Message Types selected in the Export Settings screen and looks at the ChangeRegister table to determine the data that needs to be exported. After the export DLL has created export messages, the export process moves that data from the ChangeRegister table to the ChangeHistory table.

Over time, the ChangeHistory table grows in size. You can configure a scheduled task to delete data from the ChangeHistory table.

Security Note: You need the Allow server engine settings security right in the Options user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Export Settings.
  2. Set Delete Change History to True.
  3. To specify a future time, select the Delete Change Histories Next Run Time.
  4. Select the Delete Change History Frequency. The recommended frequency is Weekly.
  5. Enter the Delete Change History Number Of Days Until Objects Expire. The recommended number of days is 7.
  6. Click OK.

    Note: MineMarket saves the changes from this screen automatically. This saving does not include any unsaved changes made on any other screens.