Export Data to Third-party Systems

If configured and enabled, the MineMarket Server runs the export process as a scheduled task every 5 seconds.

Note: The MineMarket Integration Components package includes the default export DLL file BulkTrak.Integration.Export.dll). Customer-specific export messages and business logic can be created to use this DLL. The DLL must be selected as the ExportAssemblyName in the MineMarket Service Config screen.

The MineMarket Service Config screen also includes a setting for whether to prevent downstreaming before exporting.

See the MineMarket Installation Guide for configuration information, or contact Datamine for more information.

If a specified number of error conditions are raised by the export process, the export process is stopped. An email is sent to the email address specified for email notifications in warehouse server settings. See Configure Email Notifications.

Security Note: You need the Allow server engine settings security right in the Options user group security rights group for this activity.

Activity Steps

  1. Map Objects to Third-party Systems as required.
  2. Open the Export Settings.
  3. Select the Exported Message Types to include in the export.

    Note: Whenever an object is created, changed or deleted (that is, when the Save button is clicked), all changes are written to the ChangeRegister table in the MineMarket database. The export DLL uses the code for the Exported Message Types selected in the Export Settings screen and looks at the ChangeRegister table to determine the data that needs to be exported. After the export DLL has created export messages, the export process moves that data from the ChangeRegister table to the ChangeHistory table.

  4. Click the data column for the Export Enabled row.

    If False, either the export process was never enabled, was manually stopped, or the export process stopped due to an error situation.

  5. Click the drop-down arrow and select True.
  6. Enter the number of Export Errors Before Notification.
  7. Click OK.

    Note: MineMarket saves the changes from this screen automatically. This saving does not include any unsaved changes made on any other screens.