Object Change Notification

Important: Object change notification is enabled by default. Refer to the Configuration Examples for more information about object change notification configuration.
The MineMarket Marketing Service connects to the MineMarket Server like a MineMarket Client, and hence is considered to be another user. For MineMarket implementations using any Sales and Marketing functionality (for example, despatch orders, revaluations), object change notification must be enabled.

The MineMarket Client interface is not automatically updated if changes are made by other users.

If object change notification is enabled, the MineMarket Service will notify clients of any object changes.

For example, where users on multiple MineMarket Clients access a single MineMarket Server, they may unintentionally have the same screen open for editing at the same time. If one Client changes the data on that screen, the other Clients are notified that there are changes to that screen. Double-clicking the Object Change Notification icon in the bottom-right corner of the MineMarket Client interface opens the Object Notifications screen where the changed objects can be viewed and refreshed. The user must refresh the data on their MineMarket Client, either via the Object Notifications screen or by clicking the Refresh toolbar button.

Note: When using the Refresh toolbar button on the MineMarket Client interface, all changes made since the last save will be lost. This includes changes made on other MineMarket screens, even if they have been closed. Saving work frequently is advisable to minimise the loss of data if a refresh is required.

Each MineMarket Client keeps track of the objects that have changed, and under certain circumstances will use that list to refresh an object when needed. (This is currently only done for packages because the Server process updates them as well as Clients, so the Clients need to be sure they are working with the latest changes to the objects.)

When object change notification is enabled, a new communication channel is opened between the MineMarket Clients and the MineMarket Server. This may require configuration file changes, and depending on the settings, may also require some changes to the environment (operating system). The overhead is the additional communication sent between Server and Clients. The Net.TCP Port Sharing service must be running on the MineMarket Client for object change notification to work.

Object change notification is also used for bulk materials, where down-stream processing of supply chain quality is managed by the MineMarket Server. However, with discrete unit batch creation, samples taken for a discrete unit batch can also have a down-streaming effect upon the supply chain. Most of the discrete unit processing is managed by the MineMarket Client, but for the Server to perform the down-streaming, some notification of changes is required between the Server and the Client. This is so that data displayed on the interface is synchronised when changes in data are made by the Server due to this down-streaming. The object change notification functionality manages this.

Object change notification can be disabled to retain backwards-compatibility with existing installations. If an existing site is upgraded, where the old version did not have the change notification code, and the new version does have the change notification, then we retain the existing functionality. Setting it to false also enables it to be switched off in the event of it causing problems.

The default maximum number of pending channels for reliable sessions used when object notification is enabled is calculated by MineMarket. This setting can be overridden for performance tuning purposes by uncommenting the following line in the BulkTrak.exe.config file, in the appSettings section:

<add key="ObjectNotificationMaxPendingChannels" value="128" />

The value can be changed to whatever value is required.