Assess a Plane Intersection

Sirovision's plane intersection tools can help give you a feel for the surface being mapped, by allowing you to examine potential blocks that may form prior to the slope stability analysis. This knowledge of the surface can assist with overall mapping of the 3D surface. This topic explains how to assess plane intersections on the 3D image. Also see Assess a Stereonet Plane Intersection.

Activity Steps

  1. Open the Analysis menu.
  2. Select Plane Intersection in the Analysis menu group.

    The Plane Intersection button remains highlighted.

  3. Select a pair of discontinuities on the 3D image.

    The Plane Intersection window displays.

  4. Select one of the following options.
    • Compute line of intersection
      • Discontinuity A persistence
      • Discontinuity B persistence
    • Estimate distance to intersection of each discontinuity
  5. Click OK.
    1. If the persistences intersect to form a wedge, this wedge is simulated on the 3D image. The wedge is saved as a single object in the Project Tree under the Kinematic Sets folder.
    2. If the persistences do not intercept, an error displays explaining why the wedge is invalid.