Transfer Images from a Stereo Camera to your PC
Before importing your images into Sirovision, you need to transfer them from your camera and organise them into appropriate folders.
Activity Steps
- Open your File Explorer and browse for the desired storage location drive for Sirovision images.
- Create a parent folder for your images.
- Within the parent folder, create two folders named LEFT and RIGHT.
- If available, copy and paste the calibration files into the image folders.
- Copy and paste the calibration .ccf file for the left camera lens and the .bcf file into the LEFT folder.
- Copy and paste the calibration .ccf file for the right camera lens and the .bcf file into the RIGHT folder.
Note: The .bcf file is the same for both folders.
- Plug the double-ended USB cable into the front part of the camera and your computer, as shown in the image below.
- Turn the camera on.
- Using your File Explorer navigate to the cameras.
Copy and paste the pictures required into the newly created LEFT and RIGHT folders.