Transfer Images from a Stereo Camera to your PC

Before importing your images into Sirovision, you need to transfer them from your camera and organise them into appropriate folders.

Activity Steps

  1. Open your File Explorer and browse for the desired storage location drive for Sirovision images.
  2. Create a parent folder for your images.
  3. Within the parent folder, create two folders named LEFT and RIGHT.
  4. If available, copy and paste the calibration files into the image folders.
    1. Copy and paste the calibration .ccf file for the left camera lens and the .bcf file into the LEFT folder.
    2. Copy and paste the calibration .ccf file for the right camera lens and the .bcf file into the RIGHT folder.

      Note: The .bcf file is the same for both folders.

  5. Plug the double-ended USB cable into the front part of the camera and your computer, as shown in the image below.

    Stereo Camera plugged into computer

  6. Turn the camera on.
  7. Using your File Explorer navigate to the cameras.
  8. Copy and paste the pictures required into the newly created LEFT and RIGHT folders.