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Copy a normal or rotated model to a rotated or normal model with different origin and/or rotations.
How to use
The COPYMOD process creates a copy of a model using both translation and rotation. This can be summarised as one of four types using the @MODTYPE parameters:
MODTYPE | Input Model | Output Model | Comment |
1 | Normal | Normal | Translation only |
2 | Normal | Rotated | Apply translation and rotation |
3 | Rotated | Normal | Remove rotated |
4 | Rotated | Rotated | Apply translation and rotation |
Rotated Models
A rotated model file includes information on two grids – the world (normal) grid and the local (rotated) grid. The normal origin, [XYZ]0, and rotated origin, [XYZ]MORIG, fields together with the rotation angles, ANGLE[123], and axes, ROTAXIS[123], provide the relationship between the two grids.
The XC, YC and ZC fields in a rotated model file hold the cell centre coordinates for the local (rotated) grid. It is sometimes helpful to see the corresponding coordinates in the world (normal) grid. When using MODTYPEs 2 and 4 the COPYMOD process allows the world coordinates to be added to the output model. This is done by specifying names for the coordinate fields - *XWORLD, *YWORLD and *ZWORLD.
In order to add world coordinates to an existing model use MODTYPE 4 but do not select any of the nine parameters [XYZ]NEWORIG, AXIS[123] and ROTAXIS[123], but do specify field names for the three [XYZ]WORLD fields. The output model will then be an exact copy of the input model but with the addition of the three world coordinate fields.
Files, Fields and Parameters
Input Files
Name |
I/O Status |
Required |
Type |
Description |
Output |
Yes |
Block Model File |
Input model prototype This is a standard block model file containing the 13 compulsory fields. It may also contain the rotated model fields. |
Output Files
Name |
I/O Status |
Required |
Type |
Description |
Output |
Yes |
Block Model File |
Output model containing estimated MIK grades, etc. |
Name |
Description |
Source |
Required |
Type |
Default |
X coordinate of sample data in SAMPLES file. If not specified, then XPT is assumed. |
IN |
No |
Numeric |
Undefined |
Y coordinate of sample data in SAMPLES file. If not specified, then YPT is assumed. |
IN |
No |
Numeric |
Undefined |
Z coordinate of sample data in SAMPLES file. If not specified, then ZPT is assumed. |
IN |
No |
Numeric |
Undefined |
Name |
Description |
Required |
Default |
Range |
Values |
Output Model Type
No |
1 |
1,4 |
1,2,3,4 |
X/Y/Z coordinate of the origin of the output model in the world coordinate system. |
No |
Input model world X/Y/Z origin |
Undefined |
Undefined |
ANGLE1/2/3 |
First/second/third rotation angle, clockwise in degrees, around axis ROTAXIS1/2/3. A value of zero or absent indicates no rotation. (0). |
No |
0 |
-360,360 |
Undefined |
ROTAXIS1/2/3 |
Axis around which first/second/third rotation angle will occur. 0 for no rotation, 1 for X axis, 2 for Y axis, 3 for Z axis (3). |
No |
0,3 |
0,1,2,3 |
!START M1 Create examples for all four values of MODTYPE
# @MODTYPE=1 Copy normal model to normal model
# @MODTYPE=2 Copy normal model to rotated model
@ANGLE1=30, @AXIS1=3
# SORT is only required so that the same default legends are used automatically in all 5 models
# MODELOUT2 now becomes the input model for the next two runs of COPYMOD
# @MODTYPE=3 Copy rotated model to normal model
# @MODTYPE=4 Copy rotated model to rotated model
@ANGLE1=-30, @AXIS1=3
Model Location | Model File |
Top left | Test_Model (input) |
Top centre | MODELOUT1 |
Top right | MODELOUT2 |
Bottom centre |
Bottom right | MODELOUT4 |