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Creates a DTM from the currently selected object.

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For interactive DTM creation in the 3D window, you should consider using the dtm-create command which includes the ability to define limits.

This make-dtm-from-objects command, whilst superseded and no longer available via the ribbon interface or command line, is still available for use in scripts. The object in question must be selected before the command is run as it only works when data has already been selected.

How to Use

From the Command line:

  1. Ensure the object to be used for DTM creation is selected.

  2. Run the Command.

Script Example

 An example of creating a DTM using the make-dtm-from-objects command:

    // unload any existing data    


    // load our example points file - NB this example file is Extended Precision and should require an EP project to run it

    // although it should still work if the error message is ignored.

    oDmApp.ActiveProject.Data.LoadFile("C:\\Database\\Datamine Software\\");

    // fetch the Iew3DObject interface to this object

    var oEwPoints = oDmApp.ActiveProject.Data.LastObjectAdded

    // obtain the overlay interface from the Design window

    var oEwPointOverlay = oDmApp.ActiveProject.Design.GetActiveOverlay(oEwPoints);

    // since the dtm command now works on selected objects, we need to ensure that the overlay is selected

    // in the Design window.

    oEwPointOverlay.IsObjectSelected = true;

    // now we can run the make dtm command and select a suitable colour for the DTM

     oDmApp.ParseCommand("make-dtm-from-objects 'select-colour-9'"+

        "    @attribute='COLOUR',9.0 'continue'");


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