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Structure ribbon | Operations | Verify

wvf Click here


Triangulates the chosen wireframe and tries to produce consistent normals. If there are shared edges, the normals generated may not be correct.

How to use

This command can be applied to any wireframe data currently in memory, and provides several options for verifying the integrity of the dataset underlying a mesh. The verify operation itself can be run directly at any time, using the wireframe-verify command line option or by accessing the SWireframes | Verify menu option.

Regardless of how the command is initiated, the parameters controlling verification are entered using the Wireframe Verify dialog. Verification can include, with or without tolerance values, a check for open edges, shared edges and/or crossover areas. You also have the option to remove duplicate vertices and/or faces when these entities are intercepted.

Wireframe-verify can also be triggered when the option is selected during other boolean and plane operations. The following commands support the option to verify before attempting a wireframe modification:

  • Calculate Wireframe Volume

  • Decimate Wireframe

  • Wireframe Difference

  • Wireframe Extract Separate

  • Wireframe Intersection

  • Wireframe Solid Hull

  • Wireframe Split by String

  • Wireframe Split

  • Wireframe Split Multiple

  • Wireframe Union

Multiple Surface Verification

A Key Field option exists within the Wireframe Verify dialog to allow you to define a specific data field that will denote separate data entities within the same object. If this is left as <none> (the default), the behaviour will be that all duplicate vertices and faces will be reported even if they belong to abutting wireframe surfaces (where you would expect more than one vertex to occupy the same location).

Specifying a keyfield, however, determines that wireframe elements with different values of the keyfield are kept separate. This can also be thought of as running multiple verify operations - with each run filtering the wireframe with a different unique value of the keyfield.

When a keyfield has been specified, vertices will not be regarded as being duplicates if their keyfield values differ from each other (even if they are in the same spot). Similarly, overlapping triangles will not be treated as duplicates if their keyfield values differ. Finally, when performing the adjacency calculations (which are used for calculations of normals, as well as checking for open and shared edges), no triangles with differing keyfield values will ever be connected together.

This makes verifying complicated wireframes which may consist of multiple touching wireframes simple.