Studio EM 3.2 Help

A tailored solution for geology and exploration professionals – Studio EM is supported by the technology of Datamine’s hugely successful Studio software series, making it highly compatible with many other software packages. Now with Drillhole Importer and boolean wireframe tools, Studio EM is the perfect geological analysis solution.
What's New in this version?
Using Help
Commands and Processes
Scripting and Automation
Import and Export

User Interface

Studio Projects

Drillhole Planning

3D Visualization

Plots and Logs

Dynamic Evaluation
Support (external link)
Knowledge Base (external link)

Important: Your product automatically installs Datamine License Services. Don't downgrade this installed version or your product won't run.

Tips: Press F1 on any screen to open help for that screen. When searching for content in this help, use double quotes to search for exact phrases.