The Command Toolbar

Using the Command toolbar

The Command Toolbar


Activating the Command Line

Running and Cancelling Commands or Processes

Finding Commands

How to Run a Process which displays additional prompts - PROTOM



The Command toolbar, often referred to as the 'command line' is used to run, cancel and search for interactive design commands and processes.


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  • In a default system setup, this toolbar is docked at the bottom left of the main application window.
  • TheCommandtoolbar is used in conjunction with theCommand control bar, shown below, which displays the progress of a command and also supplies additional prompts when running certain processes e.g. PROTOM.
  • For a full list of commands and processes, see the Command Table.


Activating the Command Line



To activate the Command Line , use one of the following methods:

  • Press <F3>  to give the control 'focus' if it is already displayed, or to show it if it is hidden,

  • Click inside the Command Line to activate it, if it displayed.

 Once the command line is activated, it can be used to run or search for commands or processes.

Running and Cancelling Commands or Processes

Commands and processes can be run using one of the following methods:

  • Typing in the name of the command or process in the Run Command field (i.e. the Command Line), and pressing <Enter> or clicking Run Command,

  • Selecting a previously run command or process from the drop-down list (it will automatically run when selected),

  • Using the Find Command dialog (see below)

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  • If a process or command requires additional user input, the Command control bar will display a text message prompt, and the Command Line will be highlighted yellow. This indicates that the information required must be entered before the next step is accessed.

  • Each time a process is run, its progress is reported in the Command control bar.

Whenever you run a process, check the Command control bar for:
  • additional process input prompts (this does not happen for all processes),

  • warning or error messages,

  • a message indicating that the process has run to completion and that an output file has been generated.

Cancelling a process/command in progress is done using one of the following:

  • Clicking Cancel Command

  • Pressing <Esc>

  • Typing '!' in the Command Line.

Text added to the command line is 'remembered' for subsequent uses of the command line, allowing you to press <Enter> to re-submit the command. However, this may not always be required, so it is wise to check the contents of the command line before pressing <Enter>.
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The following standard Windows hotkeys can be used with the command Line:

  • <Ctrl>+<C> to copy

  • <Ctrl>+<X> to cut

  • <Ctrl>+<V> to paste


Finding Commands

The Find Command button, on the far right of the Command toolbar, can be used to display the Find Command dialog.

This dialog is used to search for (type in the first letter of the command, page down or use the slider bar on the right), select and run (double-click or select and Run) a process.

How to Run a Process which displays additional prompts - PROTOM

  1. Run the PROTOM command (used to generate a model prototype) by entering 'protom' into the Command Line.

  2. The PROTOM dialog is displayed, and on entering an Ouput filename and clicking OK to dismiss the dialog, the command Line updates to show the following prompt:


  3. Enter 'y' and the prompt and response is now copied to the Command window:

  4. The command line now prompts you to define if sub-cells are to be used. Enter 'y' into the command line and press <Enter>.

  5. The next step uses a slightly different approach. The Command window now displays the message 'PLEASE SUPPLY COORDINATES OF MODEL ORIGIN', and the command Line prompt changes to 'X'. Enter '0' into the Command Line and press <ENTER>.

  6. Enter '0' values for the following prompts ('Y' and 'Z'). As you press <ENTER> the values of the coordinates are added to the Command window:

  7. The next phase of the command is similar to that for entering coordinates, but is for cell dimensions. The Command window shows the message 'PLEASE SUPPLY CELL DIMENSIONS'. Follow a similar procedure to above, enter '10' for the X dimension, '29' for the Y dimension, and '30' for the Z value.

  8. The final phase asks you to define the NUMBER OF CELLS IN EACH DIRECTION? - enter '50' for each coordinate.

  9. TheCommand window now shows the '>>>Protom Complete<<<' message, and a prototype model has been created with the Output file name specified in step 2.

  10. The Command window shows a full history of entered commands and responses. In this case, the following data is shown:

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Selection Control Bars
Command Table

Compositor Control Bar

Output Control Bar